Saturday, December 31, 2011
Year in Review
My 5 Favourite movies that I saw in 2011 (In no real particular order):
1) Memento. I realize that this movie is much older than this past year...but I had the pleasure of watching it this year on Netflix...and it was amazing. Christopher Nolan created an incredible story, intricate plot, confusing yet gripping. Had me pinned the entire time, and left me shocked at the end of the movie as I thought back about what I had seen. (Also watched his even earlier movie called Following. That one is also highly recommended)
2) Bridesmaids. It's Judd Apatow's version of a chick flick. It is raunchy, crude...but very very funny. Kristen Wiig is amazing (as always), but every member of the cast really did an incredible job. Highly enjoyable.
3) It's Kind of a Funny Story. Zach Galifinakis takes on a more serious role in this movie, about a psych ward. It has funny moments, but it is filled with heart. Again, a great cast, and a fantastic plot.
4) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Could very well be the best M:I yet. Filled with humour (thanks in large part to Simon Pegg), and incredible action sequences. Had me from the opening scene. stars Tom Cruise, but it's produced by JJ Abrams (and also includes Sawyer from LOST) can you go wrong with that?
5) Crazy, Stupid, Love. I just want to say that I LOVED this movie. Not as hysterical as I expected it to be...but it was very well done, and did have numerous laugh out loud moments. Bottom line, however, is it deals with serious issues, like marriage, love and divorce...and encourages people to fight for those they love. It is filled with heart, but it's not sappy. Just overall, fantastic!
My least favourite movie from 2011
I don't even have to explain too much from this one...Hangover II. It was a complete duplicate from it's predecessor. Highly disappointing.
TV Shows that I enjoyed this year:
Modern Family...still, the best written current comedy on TV in my opinion
How I Met Your Mother....Finally started getting into this show, and it is very entertaining and funny.
The Office...I thought without Carrell it would suck, but it has actually been a very surprising season filled with laughs!
New Girl....Zooey Deschenal is hilarious as always. Kind of cheesy at moments...but good.
Up All Night...Didn't watch as much of this one as I would have liked, but Will Arnett is hysterical.
Best music from 2011:
Switchfoot: Vise Verses. Nearly a perfect album!
The Civil Wars. A weird sound, but very good.
Hot Chelle Rae. I have to admit...they are very catchy!
Michael Buble Christmas. Love or hate Holiday music...Buble has a voice for Christmas.
Tyler Ward/Boyce Avenue. I just really got into both of these guys this year. AMAZING stuff!
Relient K is for Karaoke. Best Cover Album ever. Just sayin'.
Some of the Books I read this year (with a score out of 10)
Love Wins (Rob Bell)- 9/10. Not nearly as controversial as I expected, and raised some amazing questions.
Velvet Elvis (Rob Bell)-8/10. Classic Rob Bell...raised many of the Love Wins questions.
Girl With the Dragon Tatoo/Hornets Nest/Played with Fire (Steig Larsson)-7/10. Had great plot, and interesting characters...but the Swedish names and places got confusing, as did some of the Swedish terms. (still want to see the movies tho).
Bossypants (Tina Fey)- 9/10. Funny, enlightening. I Love Tina Fey, and this book makes me love her even more!
Is Everyone Hanging out with Me? (Mindy Kaling)-8.5/10. I give it a half point less than Tina Fey's book only because I read Bossypants first, so it set the bar high. Still a fantastic book though!
Steve Jobs (Walter Isaacson)- 9.5/10. Everything you want from a biography. It's honest, raw, and isn't afraid to show the good and the bad about Steve Jobs. A fascinating, enlightening read.
Moonlight Mile (Dennis Lehane)-8.5/10. Not as good as it's prequel Gone Baby Gone, but a nice continuation from that story. Amazing character development, and moral dilemma's.
Book of Negroes (Lawrence Hill)- 9.5/10. INCREDIBLE read. of the best Historical Fiction novels I have ever read!
Simply Christian (NT Wright)-8/10. Great thoughts, by a great theologian. I just had to re-read a far parts of it though because some of it went over my head.
The Know-It All (AJ Jacobs)-8.5/10. Nice, funny, entertaining read.
God Without Religion (Andrew Farley)- 9/10. Easy read, but very challenging. Great book!
127 Hours (Aron Ralston)- 8.5/10. Lot's of technical climbing terms, but the survival story is outstanding!
Cornered (Ron MacLean)- 8/10. For hockey fans, especially Canadian hockey doesn't get much better than this biography of one of the iconic hockey figures in the country!
I Am Ozzy (Ozzy Osbourne)- 9/10. I can't stand Ozzy...but his biography was incredible. I couldn't put it down, and I actually am able to tolerate him as a person knowing now all that he has been through!
Best book of the Year!
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is by far the best Biography ( book in general!) I have read this year, if not in many years. For anyone who loves historical stories, especially WWII survival stories, it doesn't get any better than this one. Well written, and the story is INCREDIBLE!
My favourite moments of the year:
1) First off, the Boston Bruins winning the Stanley Cup was amazing! Tim Thomas is a beast, and was incredible!
2) Getting a full time job at House of James has been great! Love the store, and the people I work with. Great environment to be a part of!
3) Speaking at camp this past summer. Week went great, and was even told I was the best speaker some of the campers have ever had. Was awesome to be able to share the Word with kids, in a fun and engaging way.
4) JETS ARE BACK!!!!! thing about this year is the return of the Winnipeg Jets. As a Canadian Hockey Fan, and as a Manitoban, I am so stoked that they have returned.
Well...that was my year (briefly). Lots has happened. It's been a tough year, in fact it could be said that it's been the toughest year for me yet....but there have been good moments. I've read some amazing books, watched some fantastic movies and TV shows, heard some great music and was a witness to many incredible world events (good and bad ones). It has been a year I will never forget, and one that has pushed me to the brink. One that has tested me as a man, as a Christian, and as a husband. But here I stand...on the verge of crossing over into 2012. Who knows what this year will hold. Who knows if it will be any easier, or if it will in fact be even tougher.
Here's to 2012. May it be a year of success! May it be a year of discovering new things, adventures, joys and excitement. If your 2011 was a great one, I hope that this coming year is even better...and if your 2011 was difficult, I pray that this upcoming year will be much easier. God Bless and Happy New Year.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
This or That, Either/Or, Us Vs. Them!
Now, I realize that there has to be some level of Either/Or. It's impossible to both believe in God and be an Atheist It's impossible to be a pacifist and yet believe in War. But a lot of the Either/Or's we have are needless. I hate how Christianity has become a large, diverse group of people at war with itself. I love the idea of diversity. I love the vast aray of denominations, and the fact that people can believe in the same God, and yet have healthy debate and discussion about things that they disagree with about that God (or the Bible). Unfortunately, the things that I love about Christianity is becoming a thing of the past. There is no longer a healthy community discussion. It's evolved into arguments, curses and verbal warfare. Not everything has to be a This/That. Not everything needs to be an Either/Or, and not everything needs to be a Us/Them. Here are some things that ae traditionally an Either/Or, that I personally am on the fencefor:
Creation/Evolution. Now, when I say "Creation" here I am referring to the traditional 7 day creation, not the mere fact that God ceated the world (because THAT I believe with all my heart). Christians have creed 2 camps. Either you believe in the 7 day Creation that God spoke into existence or you believe in the billion year Evolution that God had no part of. Most Christians it seems would say that it is impossible to be a Christian and believe in Evolution. To that I say, Bullcrap! I will agree that it is impossible to be a Christian and believe in an evolution that God had no part of...but Evolution in and of itself is not evil. I believe that God created the world. I also believe that God gave us brains, and knowledge and SCIENCE. I think we are stupid if we neglect the proof. Do we reject the idea of gravity because it's not mentioned in the Bible? Or the idea of a round Earth because the Bible refers to a flat Earth? No. We learn, and we grow as things become clear. I thnk God is shaking his head at many of us for rejecting some Science because we think that it disproves God. God is big enough to handle adversity. Instead of seeing Science and thinking, " THAT'S how God did it" we end up thinking "Blasphemy! This is trying to disprove the need for God!". Just because Science takes away a lot of the mystery doesn't make it any less wonderful or amazing. Science doesn't disprove God. It's OK to believe Science AND the Bible. I give you my permission!
Pro-Life/Pro-Choice. What's that? I'm taking on the abortion debate? You bet I am! Now, first and foremost I believe that abortion as an act is wrong 99% of the time. I am a firm believer in the choice of life, and a firm believer that life begins at conception. At the same time however, I believe that God gave us free will and the right to choose. I think that, while I disagree with the act, the choice should still be legal. Will this be controversial? Yes. Will people hate me for saying this? Maybe. Here is why I believe it needs to be legal: First of all, whether it is legal or not will not stop people from getting abortions. The problem with it being illegal is that, the abortions that are done will be sketchy and will probably lead to more botched surgeries where both the baby AND the mother die. Also, if the mother ever needs help recovering from the abortion(physically, mentaly or psychologicaly) she will be afraid to come forward. She will have to deal with the effects for the rest of her life without anyone there to help her. At least now, she is a bit more likely to come forward and ask for help. Secondly, I believe that there are some cases when Abortion (while sad, and disappointing) is necessary. I believe that, if the pregnancy will put the mothers life in serious risk, that the mother should be able to choose to abort the pregnancy to save her life. I hate how the Pro-Life people ONLY care about the life of the unborn baby. Do they not remember that Life continues AFTER birth as well? If the mother is going to die while giving birth, or while carrying the baby in her womb, is it not better to abort the baby (which would likely die along with the mother anyway) and save the mothers life?
Final one (I could keep going on, but this is getting kind of long!) Chan/Bell. Now it seems you are either Pro-Rob Bell or Pro-Francis Chan. It seems that if you enjoyed Love Win, you have to hate Chan, and if you hated Love Wins you have to hate Bell. But why? First off, I would argue that, just because an author writes one controversial book doesn't mean everything else he has preached is wrong and blasphemous (on that note...since when did controversial=blapshemy?). I've heard people say that they returne Bell's books (that they used to enjoy) after Love Wins came out because they disagreed with his ideas in THAT book. It's ok to like both. I prefer Bell to Chan, but that doesn't mean I think that Chan is wrong, it's a preference for me. More specifically though, we have this idea that you can't like both Love Wins AND Erasing Hell. But I do. I like one more than the other, but I still enjoyed both books and can agree with where both are coming from. Can they both be 100% right? No. But is one of them 100% wrong? Most likely not. It's ok to like both. It's ok to read both, struggle with it and ask fact that is encouraged. Not liking one idea by an author and preacher doesn't mean we need to write off EVERY idea by that pastor of author. It just means we need to ask questions and discern!
Well...those are my thoughts. There are other Either/Or's I could get into, but I am interested in what you have to say. What are YOUR Either/Or's. What are the things that you are on the fence on that other people assume has to be one or the other? Do you agree with my ideas or am I wrong? Give me your thoughts, comments and questions!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Gender Equality and Divine Design
To be honest, I skimmed through the book, so I may be taking things out of context, but to me, it seemed as if Macarthur missed the point on a lot of passages of Scripture. He seemed to be applying verses about particular churches, or particular women, and meaning that it was a universal truth. Anyway, from what I gathered from what I skimmed in the book, Women cannot be pastor's, and, like Driscoll says, should stay home with the kids. Is this really the case though?
I think, when we start taking verses out of context and assigning certain roles and positions for genders (such as the man is the head, and provider..and the woman is the support) we miss the main point. We tend to focus on these controversial verses, and women claim that the Bible is sexist when it tells wives to Submit. I understand that the word Submit is hard to accept, and has a lot of misconceptions...and I'm not going to get into what the word means here...perhaps that will be another blog. Today, I want to focus on he ATTITUDE of people in the debate. It seems that, we want to have a seperation. We want to know, "women can or should do this, and men can or should do that". We want it to be black and white. And so long as we have this attitude, the gender equality debate will never end.
We seem to miss the verses in which the Bible says that all have different gifts. The Bible doesn't specify that "men recieve this gift, and women recieve this one". The Bible just lists gits and tells us to use our gifts to further the Kingdom of God.
I'm sick of this idea that, churches or companies need to have so much diversity in their staff. I hate the concept that, "every company must haveso many women on staff, so many african-americans, so many native, so many homosexuals...blah blah blah". I'm not trying to say that we need to not hire people of different ethnicity or fact I am going the opposite direction of that. We need to hire people based on their skills and talents. Why do companies get into trouble when they don't have a certain amount of "diversity"? Yes...if they are NOT hiring someone out of sexism, or racism or prejudice then yes, that is wrong...but hav we ever though that just maybe, the people that are hired are the ones that are most suited to that position? Maybe there was no prejudice behind the hiring process and they just chose who was best?
Finally, I want to get to the Feminism group. Keep in mind, I LOVE the idea of gender equality. I think it is wrong when one gender is treated differently (for better or worse) of another gender (or race/sexual orientation/age whatever) But I hate how Feminists, or at least many of them, try to take it beyond equality. They want to make men pay and put women AHEAD of men. To many feminists, men can't do anything right. Everything is prejudice, or sexist and needs to be stopped. When men are Chivalrous and hold the door open, it is sexist...when men fail to do so, is sexist. I hate these women that want special privileges, but then don't want men to have the same privileges. For examples, we go to the world of sports:
Why are women reporters allowed into Mens dressing rooms, but not Men reporters into women dressing rooms? Women fought for the right, but dont' want men to have the same right. It has to go both way...either don't go into the Men's dressing room and wait for the athletes to come out, or allow men to go into the women's room too.
On that note, women who fight to play on men's sports teams. I'm all for women wanting to play sports, and compete. And I think they should be able to play in whatever league they feel comfortable playing in...but why can't a man play in a girls league? There was a boy who played Field Hockey in his home country...but when he came to Canada (or maybe it was the US), the only Field Hockey teams were girl teams. But the girl teams didnt want him to play with them. So once's a two way street. The key word in Gender Equality is...EQUALITY. It's not about, let's make ourselves better than them! It's about...let's stop this idea of one person being better than another and treat everyone as equals.
Keep in mind, while this blog is about the genders, it can be applied to all differences,such as race, age, religion...anything that ha prejudices and inequality (whether real or implied). I don't like the idea that, in the home, the men have certain tasks and jobs that are ok, and the women have others. What happened to, "everyone do what they are the best at"? Why can't a man clean, or a woman mow the lawn? Why is Laudry a womans job, and fixing things a man's job? People should be able to do what they are good at, and enjoy doing. It shouldn't be based on stereotypes, or genders, or cultural norms.
I want to finish with the hypocrisy of the Church. Many Christian and Church leaders don't like the idea of Women Pastor's. They think that the Bible is clear on the issue that men should be the leaders of the church (which is a debatable issue, but for another time). However, these same people don't seem to have a problem with major women author's and speakers such as Joyce Meyer and Beth Moore. Is writing a major book, which is a form of preaching and teaching, and speaking to a massive group of people at a large conference any different than being a pastor? Not really.
Did I offend anyone? Maybe, and if that is the case, then please try to make sure that what you are reading and understanding is truly what I am trying to say before you call me names and disagree. But please...let me know what you think. Have I gone too far? Not far enough? What are your thoughts on this issue....or is it even still an issue?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
My New Quest
Anyway, this book challenged me. I don't own an Encyclopaedia set, but I wanted to do something that was worthwhile. Being a Christian, I thought, what better thing to do than to read the Bible through (in Chronological order) from cover to cover. Now, I know what you are probably thinking..."umm, haven't read the whole bible before?" Well, the honest answer is no. Ok...maybe I did throughout by time at Bethany, but that was different. It was sporadic reading for different classes, and lets be involved a lot of skimming. So I am going to go through the Bible, in the order it was written (at least according to a website telling me the order in which it was written), and I will take notes. I will write out things that stick out to me, things that I may have overlooked in my skimming days. I will write out questions that certain books, verses and chapters raise. I will even write out frustrations that arise...frustrations at God,people, stories, whatever. I will do my best to update a blog about it (I may or may not start a new blog..but I may just use this one), but even if I don't blog, I will try to read every day. I know, it's something that I should have been doing a long time ago. I should already be reading every day, but unfortunately I am not. I am surrounded by Christians stuff every day at work, and I get very cynical towards things. I read a lot of other people telling me what to believe about the Bible, but I have avoided actually coming to my own conclusions in a very long time. I go. Please, pray for me, join me, think of me, encourage me, whatever. I'm not doing this to say "look at me"...I'm not trying to just draw attention to myself, I am doing this because I want to. I want to go deeper into Scripture. I want to draw closer to God. I want to share my thoughts because hopefully it can encourage you. God Bless everyone...and I really will try to blog more often now!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
One of the main points of the movie is that Christians can get so caught up in whats right and wrong, that they forget to actually love and accept others. In the movie, one of the main plots is the attempted conversion of the lone non-Christian at the Christian school. Everyone is so eager to convert her, so eager to tell her that she is doomed to Hell without the love of Christ, that they end up shunning her, pushing her away, ridiculing her and embarrasing her. Throughout the movie as previously good Christians falter, the other Christians throw them under the bus, pray over them (forcibly), and literally throw the Bible at them. They get so caught up in making sure everyone is doing what is right, that they forget that Jesus loved everyone, especially the sinners.
Throughout the movie, it is clear that the most truly Christ-like people are those who aren't even 'Christians'. The non-Christian that everyone is trying to convert is the person who accepts, and loves, the other people who 'lose their way', and are ridiculed for sins that they commit. Unfortunately, I wish I could say that this is an area where the movie is clearly wrong, but the truth is, the movie is very accurate in this regard. Many of the most Christ-like individuals aren't even Christian (or at least, we wouldn't classify them as Christian). Sadly, many Christians are so centred on ASKING what Jesus would do that they forget to just live it out.
Hypocrisy and being a 'Pharisee' is another key part of the movie, as one of the main characters goes out of her way to make sure that everyone sees how Christian she is. She sings a worsip song before an assembly starts, she paints a statue of Jesus, she acts in the School plays, oranizes prayr circles, hands out tracts and pins, and is first in line to picket outside of the abortion clinics. She does all the 'right stuff', but for all the wrong reasons. She wants people to see how Christian she is. She wants to get noticed. She wants te attention. Like the Pharisees, she is a white washed tomb. Looks good on he outside, but inside is full of hate, full of sin, and just a gross mess. In the end, the one who needs saving the most is the one who thought she was saved all along. Sometimes, we are like her. We try to make everyone notice how good we are, we try to do all the right things, but we have no substance. We do it all for show.
Doing God's will is another thing that is poked at in the movie. On 2 occasions throughout the film, 2 different characters do things that are wrong because they think Jesus is telling them to do it. As much as the movie is trying to be funny, the truth is, we all have a "vision" or hear the voice of God every now and then tellins us to do something that is bad. What I mean is...we try to tell oureselves that God is blessing out action. We say things like, "Oh, I know it's usually wrong, but God wants me to do this so I can know what its like and so I can further witness to someone who has been through this". We make ourselves think that God is blessing our actions, just so we can do something that is otherwise wrong, or frowned upon. It's the ol', "God is giving me permission to do this" trick.
The movie also takes a stance on homosexuality, premarital sex and pro-life. I won't mention where they fall on these issues, but the movies does talk about grey areas. One character sees the Bible as black and white, while another argues that its all a grey area, and that everyone falls short in some area somewhere along the line. No one is perfect. The quote is, "why would God make us all so different, if he wants us to all be the same".
Overall, this movie, in a humorous satirical way, raises some good points. It should challenge Christians to realize how they are living, how hypocritical their lives are, and focus more on loving, accepting and being truly Christ-like. It's too bad that a lot of Christians will decide that the movie is too offensive to be worthwhile. I'm not saying that everyone should watch this movie, but I do think that sometimes, Christians are too afraid of what is controversial. Too scared of what is offensive. And refuse to learn from or be challenge by, someone who has different beliefs. In my opinion, the movie Saved! is more of an accurate Christian movie than most of the other literal christian movies. What do you guys think? Is the movie Saved! a satirical look at Christians, and something that we can actually learn from, or is FOTF right and the movie is offensive, heretical and has nothing (or very little) redeeming about it?
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Hated for the Right Reasons
So, I am trying to give up this notion that we need to be liked and accepted. It's hard for me, because I like being liked. I like being accepted, and appreciated. I like being "in". But what I CAN'T ignore, is that...if we are going to be hated, we better be hated for the right reasons. Unfortunately, it seems most (ok, maybe not most...but too many) Christians are ok with being hated for the wrong reasons. It seems that, because the Bible tells us that the world will despise us, many of us TRY to MAKE the world despise us. We give them fuel for the fire...on purpose. We write signs that say, "God hates Fags", we bomb abortion clinics, we are homophobic, we are anti-everything. We protest teachers teaching evolution as a theory. We pull our kids out of school because they can't say the Lord's Prayer anymore. We aren't known for love and acceptance, are a known for hate, judgment, false apocolyptic predictions. They hate us because we do everything in our power to make sure that they do, because "the bible says that they will". We are hypocrites! We arn't even close to living the life that Jesus wants us to. We are so far away from the great commission of "Go and make Disciples", and we always seem to forget about the greatest commandment of "Love God, and Love Others".
Wake up Christians! Wae up so called "Followers of Christ". Are we really celebrating the death of an enemy? Are we really telling homosexuals that they ae abominations and God hates them? Are we really throwing Rob Bell under the bus of damnation because he raises questions? Have we forgotten to look at our tacky bracelets and ask ourselves, "What Would Jesus Do?".
Yes...the Bible says we will be hated...but let's not go out of our way to remind the world of that. People should hate us because we are so loving, so accepting, so kind, so compassionate, so Christ-Like that it is almost annoying. If you look at why Jesus was hated, it was because he wasn't afraid to stick up for the little guy. He stood next to the tax-collector. He walked beside the prostitute. He embraced the leper. The Pharisees hated him because he neglected their "pious religious rules". The Romans hated him because he skewed the class/gender/race lines. The Jews hated him because he loved the Gentiles. The Gentiles hated him because he loved the Jews. THAT is being hated for the right reasons. When Jesus told us that we would be despised, he was envisioning us being despised for doing RIGHT. Jesus wasn't telling us, "Go out, and make the world hate you!", he was saying, "doing the right thing. Doing the unpopular, loving thing, will make people despise you."
I'm sick of the world hating us for being hypocrites. I'm sick of atheists like Bill Maher, or comedians like Steven Colbert, or shows like Family Guy, The Simpsons, South Park or American Dad being the only ones who are willing to challenge us, the only ones who apparantly see how off-based and hypocritical we are being. In fact..I want to say, "Thank You!" to these secular shows, these often anti-Christian people who aren't afraid to say exactly what we need to hear. It's just too bad that most Christians aren't willing to listen to atheists, or non-Christians.
That's my opinion anway. What do you guys think? Are we actually being hated for the right reasons? Or, is it possible for us to actually be loved and accepted in this world?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Because I Said So!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Morphsuit Christians
I would love to see them do that stuff WITHOUT the green suit covering their face. They hide behind this costume, and then taunt, harass and annoy the heck out of opponents (and other fans). Now, I get that they are proud of their team, and cheering and jeering is all part of sports, I get that...but doing this type of thing EVERY time gets old very fast, and just becomes silly. Anyway, that's not really the point of this blog, just thought I would add my own personal opinion (feel free to LOVE the green guys, that is your right). What I really wanted to talk about though, is spiritually living under a green morphsuit. What I mean is, as Christians we hide behind our bibles, hide behind our computer screens, our blogs, our friends. We hide behind the safety of the penalty glass, and the anonymity (is that a word?) of the green suits. We stand up for our beliefs, so long as people don't really know who we are, or we are able to run into a group of likeminded individuals.
This goes even beyond just staying anonymous...we hide who we truly are. In one group of friends we are one way, in another we are a different person. We act like a devout Christian or fundamentalist nutjob, or religious pharisee or whatever on Sunday, and then on Monday we are the exact opposite. We put on a fake smile, hide behind laughter, join in when others are bullying or judging (even if we don't agree with the judgement). I urge us as Christians. I urge us as HUMANS...take off the morphsuits. Step out from behind the glass, reveal your true self. Why do we insist on being who we aren't? Why do we only stand up for our beliefs when no one knows who we are, or when we can easily run away? Why do we taunt and tease in large groups because we know we are "safe" there. Jesus wants us to be REAL. He wants us to be authentic. He wants us to LOVE. Take off the mask, get out of the suit, uncover your face. If you are too scared to let people know who you truly are, then maybe you need to re-evaluate who you are.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Love the Team, Hate the Fans
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Is LOVE WINS a winner?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Hitting the Wall
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Two Thieves
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Judas' Feast
I'm not trying to say that we should rever what Judas did, and see him as a hero, but I am wondering if perhaps, painting him as the ultimate villain is a bit unfair. I guess the fact that Judas felt guilty afterwards, and killed himself, should be a clue that he CHOSE to betray Christ, and God just was able to use that deception for the ultimate good...but it was also prophesied. Jesus KNEW what his purpose was on Earth. He KNEW that Judas would betray him when he chose him as a disciple. Does the fact that Jesus knew this make what Judas did more than just a choice, and instead a pre-destined decision? If Judas didn't really have a choice in the matter, and it was HIS destiny and purpose to betray Christ, then I think we have looked at Judas all wrong for the two thousand or so years. I don't have an answer. I just don't know how to look at it. What do you think? Have we misrepresented Judas for all this time? Or is he truly the ultimate villain? a side you think Judas is in heaven? After all, if it wasn't for him, Jesus never would have been able to make Salvation available for everyone?
Either way though, can you imagine being Judas at the Last Supper? The whole meal, knowing what you are going to do. I doubt he was even able to taste the food, or enjoy the conversation. His stomach was likely in knots, and chances are he was feeling sick. And then, having Jesus call him out in front of everyone! Talk about humiliation. It was bad enough that he knew what he was going to do...but having Jesus send him out to do it. I can't even imagine what that would have been like. Did he have a moment of regret, before it happened? Did he hesitate before taking the pieces of silver? Did he ever think of kissing one of the other disciples instead? Or maybe, the meal was an exciting time for him. Maybe his adrenaline was pumping and his blood was flowing because he knew that he was going to forever change history. He knew that he was going to send a good, innocent man to the cross, and that excited him! Perhaps he truly was evil...and the idea of no one knowing what was going to happen got his heart pumping...and then Jesus figured it out. Jesus caught his mind, saw his heart. And told everyone at the table that Judas would betray him. There must have been a silence, deafening silence. Judas likely went red with embarrassment. Perhaps he tried to lie, saying "no...of course not (cough cough). I would never betray you Jesus!" Chills going up his arm.
I don't know what was going on in Judas' head during the meal. As I said before...I don't even fully know whether Judas had a TRUE choice in the betrayal in the first place. But whether the meal was filled with heart thumping excitement, or stomach turning anxiety, i know that the meal would have been a very different experience for Judas compared to all the other disciples.
What are your thoughts about Judas? Do you have any answers, or questions? Do you thionk Judas had a choice, or was it his destiny that he had to fulfill? Makes you wonder a bit, doesn't it? Either way...without Judas, Easter would be VERY different today!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
What If I'm Wrong?
Yesterday I went and saw the movie "Paul". It's a movie about an alien trying to get back home, so he hitches a ride with 2 british nerds. What surprised me in the movie, was the religous undertones. YES, the movie was poking fun at Christianity and other religions, but I found that it moreso posed the question of "what would you do if you found out you were wrong?". Another major controversial thing going on right now is Rob Bell's new book, "Love Wins", in which he comes up with (apparantly anyway, as I have yet to read the book) very controversial views on heaven and hell. Many Christians a quick to judge Bell, many bookstores refusing to sell the book. But I think, if Christians were smart, they would ask themselves, "ok...what if I am wrong, and Rob Bell is right?", and read the book to see what he has to say. Perhaps, at the end of the boo, they will stand firm in their beliefs. Or maybe, the book will open their eyes to something new.
Here's the thing. If you believe that the world was created in 6 days (leaving the 7th for rest), 4000-6000 years ago by God, then that is great. But what if you are wrong? If you believe that man evolved by chance 400000000000 years ago, and that there is no God, then that's fine too...but ask yourself "what if I am wrong?". Maybe neither of these options are true. Maybe, it's a combination of both. The point I am trying to make is...don't be so arrogant in your faith that you can't even consider someone else's point of view. Don't believe something just because it is what you always have believed, or because it easy to believe, or fun to believe, or whatever. To be perfectly honest, most aspects of our faith don't truly matter. Let me clarify. There are really only 2 things in the Christian faith that are VITAL to our faith. 1) There is a God and 2) He sent His son Jesus to die, and rise again, for our sins. Everything else, if we are wrong, doesn't matter as much. So what if God created the world using evolution 6 billion years doesn't matter. Who cares if Adam and Eve are mere mythological characters and aren't doesn't really matter. To go even further...if your whole faith is based on the fact of "good Christians go to heaven and bad heathens end up in hell", then perhaps your faith NEEDS to be shaken up. Christianity is much more than just the afterlife (or lack of afterlife, or whatever). Christianity is about living for God NOW. It's about serving God NOW. It's about loving God, and everyone around us NOW. Heaven is just the bonus, it's not the point. Jesus didn't come to Earth to just tell everyone to forget about this life and prepare for heaven...he came to show us to love one another, to love God.
I'm not saying that I believe there is no heaven, or that I believe that the earth is 7 billion years old. What I am saying is that we just need to always ask ourselves "what if i am wrong? What if this person, this religion, this idea is right?"
Perhaps I didn't explain myself well, I don't know. But what do you think? Should we ask ourselves "what if i'm wrong?", or should we live as if we are right? Your thoughts!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Finding God Without Looking
Have you ever heard the saying that, as soon as you stop looking for something, you find it? I think the same can be said about God sometimes. I find that, the times that I'm not looking for God, are the times that God actually speaks to me the strongest. Probably because I'm not expecting it. I'm just trying to be entertained, or get somewhere, or talk with someone, or work or whatever and then BAM! God shows up and speaks. Maybe we need to stop deliberealy looking for God so much, and just go out living. Yes, there are times where we need to search for God, but if we do it so much then we will just trivialize the significance of truly Finding God.
Perhaps none of this makes sense..I am just rambling. Just thought I would give this thought, as I haven't blogged in a while. Give me some feedback? Have you ever found God without even looking?
Monday, January 31, 2011
Are We There Yet?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Talking about the Devil
I won't spoil any more of the movie, but I do want to ask a few questions, and give my opinion on the answers (and then give you room to give your perspective). The first question is the ability of the devil to take on human form. Can the devil walk among us, and look like us? As the bible says, the devil walks among us " a wolf in sheeps clothing". Is this saying that the Devil can put on a mask, hiding among us? Maybe. I don't know for sure, but I do know that the Devil can definately use people for his purpose (just like God uses people for his). If demon possession is real, which the bible sys it is and I believe it is, then it seems only logical that the devil taking possession of a human body could at least be very plausible.
The movie also implies that the devil has control over life. The devil chooses who is in the elevator, who dies and how they die. Also, the devil has power over physical objects, the ability to control peoples mind, and thoughts. Is this true? Does the devil have actual power and control over everyday life? In my opinion, no (or at least, not unless we give him that power). I think the devil can give us ideas, and tempt us with things. I think he can exploit our weaknesses, but I don't think he has actual physical power over us and what we do, and definately not over physical objects.
There are other questions that can be raised, however most of the questions would require a spoiler of the movie, or at least sort of, so I will not do that, because I don't like movie spoilers. There are some insightful quotes however, one being "everyone believes in [the devil] even a little bit", and another, "don't worry, if the devil is real, then that must mean God is real too". I think these quotes are great. It's true that everyone seems to believe in the devil, at least a little bit. Even athiests who claim there is no God, will give credit to the devil for bad things, even inadvertantly. There's a part in all of us who believes in the great villian, the Lord of Darkness, Satan, the devil. We almost WANT there to be a devil, because we can lay blame on him...we can give him the credit when bad things happen to us, and when we do bad things we can blame him for tempting us.
Christians can sometimes give too much credit to the devil, in my opinion. When people are sick, when finances are low, when people die, when disasters happen...we blame the devil. Everything is the devil's fault. We are afraid of watching certain movies because the devil may decieve us, or worse, possess us. We say we feel the devils presence in certain situations, and hear him. i'm not saying that these things can't be true, but I think we tend to focus so much on the devil, that we forget that God is greater than the devil. God CREATED the devil...and if the devil is real, then God must be real too. Like the Christians who are so focused on heaven that they miss out on earth, those Christians who focus so much on the devil and avoiding the devil tend to miss out on the love, mercy and glory of God.
The bottom line is, we have no need to worry. God is greater, God is stronger...God is higher than any other ( a little carried away with the Chris Tomlin there). Whatever power the devil has, God's power is infinitely greater. Why are we so afraid of the devil? Yes, the devil is the deciever, but God is the forgiver. God is the lover, protector and saviour. God already defeated the devil. The more we tend to focus on the devil, and think about the devil, the power we give him. It's like the old saying "no such thing as bad publicity". The goal of the devil is to keep our focus from God...and the more we think about the devil (even thinking about avoiding the devil), the more we are achieving that goal. So let's keep our eyes on the prize, keep our eyes on God. There is nothing to be afriad of, for God is in ultimate control.
That's my opinion, bu I realize that this topic can easily be discussed and argued over. Please, let me know what you think, ask questions, answer questions and give your own thoughts. And I recommend the movie Devil...yes, it is somewhat frigthening, but it could lead to great discussion. Blessings everyone, and keep focused on Christ.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Biography of my life
So I'm going to try to do something about it. Perhaps it will be through this blog, that like 5 people read. Maybe somehow, God will use the words that I write on the internet, to a few people, and make a difference in the lives of many. I've been thinking of writing a book, and in fact I already sort of started it. The book would be one of those "Blue Like Jazz" or Rob Bell type book, in which every chapter is of a different topic, and yet it all connects and flows together. I would probably use my blogs as a base, and just expand on them. Go into more detail, pull up some key bible verses, quotes and stories. I enjoy writing, and I do feel that my "talent" is being wasted with me only blogging every once in a while. God gave me a passion for writing, and challenging people and I want to use it.
Now, will this book that I am writing ever get finished? Will it get published and become the new "Purpse Driven Life" or "The Shack"? To be honest, probably not, but that's not going to stop me from at least trying. Whether I ever write a book, become a famous actor (which also would be nice), or actually use my BA in Pastoral Ministries isn't exactly the point of however. My goal is to try to live a life of fulfillment. Help those who are around me, spread the love of Jesus (in word and deed), and use the gifts and talents that God has given me. Maybe my life will never be exciting enough for a biography, but that can't stop me from living my life with purpose. God put me on this earth for a reason. And he put you on this earth for a reason too. Let's challenge ourselves this year to live our lives with passion. Live out LOVE, and all the rest of the Fruit of the Spirit. Imagine someone writing your biography. Would the words be uplifiting, and challenging. Would your life story cause others to think "I wish I could live a life like that", or would it cause people to scoff, and laugh and joke "I'm glad my life is more meaningful than that". May this year be a year of fulfillment. May you follow the path that God leads you on, and challenge yourself to make a difference, even in just a small way.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope that this year will be a year of happiness and joy, and more importantly, a year in which you will grow closer to God.