Friday, April 30, 2010

The Big Bang Query

"Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, when nearly fourteen billion years ago, expansion started..."
So begins the theme song to the hilarious show The Big Bang Theory. No, this post is not going to be a review of the show (in 2 words, "It's funny"), but this post is going to talk about Christians response to evolution, the Big Bang, and science in general. How many of us have been involved in the debate, or at least know about the debate from Christians (most of our parents probably), who think that not only should Creation be taught in schools, but evolution should not be taught at all in schools. They claim that the Big Bang, and evolution, are merely weak theories about the beginning of the world, and are insulted that they would teach them as fact. First of all, I can't speak for all schools, but my biology class, the teacher made it very clear that the Big Bang and evolution were theories, and not proven science. What I have the problem with, is Christians who view Creation as fact. Yes, i realize what I just said...hear me out here. Can we actually prove Creation? Can we do some experiment to make it scientific fact? Not that I am aware of. Don't get me wrong, I believe the biblical account of Creation, however I also understand that, while there may be more evidence of Creation, it still can't be 100% proven, just like evolution and the Big Bang. Personally, I'm glad they teach evolution and the Big Bang in schools. Now, I do think that perhaps they should mention other theories of the beginning of the world, such as Creation, but I think it is important, especially for Christian kids, to hear the other side of the debate. As churched kids, all we hear growing up is about "In the beginning God created the world", and that it took 1 week to do it, and he just spoke it into existence. We don't question it, because that would be wrong to question the Bible. Being taught the Big Bang in school allows us to hear both sides, and be able to make our own decisions and come to our own conclusions. It's like someone who grows up in an Amish colony, and that is all they know...and then they experience the other part of the world...and they can make a decision on what they want to do. I have no problem with evolution and the Big Bang being taught in schools. I find it wrong that our Christian parents think that all schools, both public and private, should cater to us...teach us what we already believe. We want the Lord's Prayer taught in school, the Christmas and Easter story, Halloween should be banned...all that kind of stuff. Yet as soon as a Muslim wants the Koran taught, or a Mormon wants the story of Joseph Smith, we get bent out of shape and can't believe that they would try to take over the schools. Just back off, relax, take a chill's ok!.
That was a bit of a rabbit trail there, sorry about that. Anyway, back on topic here...Many Christians believe that science contradicts the Bible. They fear that scientists are out to get them, and prove the Bible wrong, and show that God doesn't exist. This is just wrong, or at least blown way out of proportion. Yes, there are som Athiest scientists who attempt to disprove the bible and God...but there are also Christian scientists who go out of their way to explain things so that the bible won't be challenged. It's a two way street here. The main issue is, as Christians, we feel that it is our place to defend God, and defend the Bible. We don't need to do that. God is big enough to defend himself...and if we truly trust the Bible is the Word of God, why are we so concerned with Science...does that not show a lack of faith in our Holy Scriptures?
The main reason that Christians are concerned with the Big Bang, evolution and science, is because Christians take every word of the Bible literally, and think that "it can't possibly be an exageration or analogy". Now, I don't want to say that the Bible is a book of legends and tall tales, because I believe that the Bible is true...however I also know that, in the culture of the day, story telling was an important part of the day, and being 100% accurate with all details wasn't as vital. I find it funny that, generally (except for Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins), read Revelation as an analogy, and not literal accounts of what will happen...and yet the first part of Genesis is believed to be completely accurate in all details. Let's ask the question, for all you Bible scholars out there...who wrote Genesis?....anyone? Was it Adam or Eve? Cain? Abel? was Moses. The Moses who was born while Israel was already in slavery in Egypt. How does he know exactly what happened in the beginning? Through story, most likely. Generation to generation, passed down from word of mouth. Likely, the story evolved a little bit over time. The important thing isn't that the Genesis account is a detailed, account of what happened...but that the main thing is true. Does it really matter if the world was created in exactly 7 days? (6 technically, as God 'rested') No, it doesn't matter if it was 7 literal days, or 7 figurative days (as a thousand years is like a day to who's definition of a day is it anyway, God's or man's?), or if it was billions of years. Does it matter if the animals were created instantly, or through some sort of evolution process? Not really. Does it matter if the world just was, or if when God spoke a Big Bang cause the creation? No, it doesnt really matter. What does matter is only the first sentance of the creation accoung, "In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth". As long as God created everything, it doesnt really matter how it happened.
Science and Religion don't have to be so different, and they don't have to attack one another. God is Truth...and all truth comes from God. If we say that Science's "truth" is false...even though it is proven...then what are we saying about God? He created everything in his own one knows exactly how it happened...because no one was there. It's not important how it happened frankly, it is just important that God did it. Is an earth that is thousands of years old vital to the Christian faith? Of course doesnt matter if the old is a thousand years old, or 20 billion years old...God created it, and thats all we have to worry about. There's a lot of science that proves the Bible, actually...unfortunately too many Christians are focused on the hot button issue of The Big Bang, and of proving Darwin wrong, that we miss out on all the places that Science is actually proving God and the Bible. Stop focusing on the negative, and stop feeling that anything that contradicts what you were taught as a child has to be wrong.
All I'm trying to say is, that God is big enough to deal with all the "adversity" science can throw at him. It's not our job to defend him, he doesn't need us to do that.

As a side note, I just want to say that I used to be the kind of person who believed in the literal 7 day creation, and the 500 year old earth, and all of that sort of stuff. I saw evolution as a work of the devil and the Big Bang theory as evil. While I was at Bible school, I took a Genesis/Exodus class...and it pissed me off (at first). It mentioned all of the stuff that I wrote about in the blog. I thought that it was making light of the Bible. It took a long time before I stopped defending the Bible and my version of what happened, and before I could accept that perhaps there is some truth that the Genesis account might not include everything. So for all your doubters and defenders out there...I was where you are. I'm not saying you have to believe this, you can believe what you want, as long as God is at the centre of it. Just don't be so narrow minded that you can't even accept this viewpoint as a possibilty. In the words of Forest Gump...that's all I have to say about that.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Easily Offended

It seems like, constantly, all I hear about from Christian groups is "I can't believe that they would be able to show/write/draw/laugh about/whatever else that....I am SO offended!". Every time a movie comes out that includes the smallest hint of a "Christian joke", or a song that depicts God in a untraditional way, Christians get up in arms and begs people to sign petitions or to boycott certain movies, shows or artists. I say. take a joke people. seriously, get off of your high horse and stop getting offended at EVERYTHING!
When the movie Bruce Almighty came out, there was an uproar among many Christians who thought that a movie about a man who recieves God's powers for a short amount of time was unbiblical and heretical. Of course, the people who were "offended" never saw the movie, or else they would have realized that the point of the movie was to show that God is all powerful, and even when we don't understand why he can't just say YES all the time, he is in full control and knows what he is doing. The movie Year One also raged controversy, because it made fun of numerous bible stories. In my opinion, it was fun to watch a movie that shed new, satirical light on bible stories that I have gotten so familiar with that I found boring and no longer impressive. The Da Vinci Code...I don't even have to get into that one too much, as it is likely the most popular "offensive" piece of fiction/movie ever made. Jesus Christ Superstar, Saved, Harry Potter, the list goes on...and that's just movies. Television shows are no better in the minds of most Christians...Family Guy, The Simpsons, South Park...all are obviously from the devil because they include jokes about Christians or God. Now, I'm not saying these are Christian shows (the only one that MAY be is the Simpsons...and that's only because it is created by a Groening, so who knows), but are they from the devil? Well...other than South Park, no i don't think so (and even that I am joking). Songs as well have gotten Christians outraged, "What if God was One of Us", "God is a DJ", and anything by KISS or AC/DC are enough to send us, and especially the artists to hell. It's absolutely ridiculous. Pretty much anything other than Facing the Giants, Fireproof, or the shows Touched by and Angel or Promised Land are considered ok...and I'm sure even they occasionally had something that offended some Christian somewhere. And if the song isn't sung by a CCM artist (oh, and Ray Boltz doesn't count anymore, cause he is gay), it is also evil. GET OVER YOURSELVES PEOPLE!
What Christians need to realize, first of all, is, what is the point of the thing that is offending you. For example, The Da Vinci Code was a WORK OF FICTION. It said so at the start of the book, and was never meant to be taken seriously the way that it was. The TV shows, such as Family Guy, are meant to be funny and are offensive on purpose. They offend everyone, or at least attempt to. It's not a "let's ostracize the Christians" sort of thing, it's a "let's push the buttons and cause controversy" sort of thing. Also...Family Guy is created by an you really think he is going to go out of his way to glorify God and please Christians? of course not. If those things offend you, DON'T Watch Them...but don't get on your soapbox and cry bloody murder.
In my opinion, the most offensive things come from Christians. I've blogged about it before, but the Christian propeganda, that you find at Christian bookstores is stupid. Those T-shirts that make fun of "Guitar Hero" with the slogan "Godismy Hero"...seriosuly? And the stuff in church isn't any better either. The song "Blessed Jesus Meek and Mild"...was he really meek and mild? At times, but is that what Jesus wants us to remember...his meekness and mild manner? He got angry, he got frustrated, he pushed the limits. Facebook groups offend me, such as "become a fan of JESUS!". Is this the legacy Jesus wants...a fan page on Facebook? These things are most offensive to me because it is Christians putting Jesus in a lame, meek, mild, silly light. You want to know why non-Christians poke fun at us? It's because of this ridiculous stuff. We bring it upon ourselves. You don't see other religious groups with merchandise. There's no Muslim bookstores, with shirts that say "Mohammad is my homeboy", or "Allah Loves You". They take their religion more seriously...they don't need all that crap.
Perhaps the reason why we are so offended at movies like SAVED (I haven;t seen it, so I'm treading on thin ice here), is because it hits close to home. The creators of that movie was obviouisly basing it off of something, yes they probably blew it out of proportion, but who doesn't know a bible-thumping Christian who is always trying to convert everyone. Look at ourselves. People don't make fun of things or people that they respect. You won't hear a black man make an offensive joke about Martin Luther King Jr, because they respect him. What we need, instead of blowing up and getting offended...we need to look inward and ask "what do we have to do to make people respect us as Christians, and in turn, respect God". That's the million dollar question, and thats the main problem we have...not Family Guy, AC/DC or Harry Potter.

Friday, April 23, 2010

WWJD...the fad, the phenomenon!

Anyone who is even remotely familiar with Christian beliefs...whether they are full fledged Christians, or athiests who have ever talked to a Christian, is familiar with the acronym WWJD...or What Would Jesus Do? It's the question that Christians always ask one another when they are facing a decision. Frankly...I think this is ridiculous and needs to stop (to an extent). I definately think that we need to attempt to model our life like Jesus did, but it is really important to note that 3/4 of the stuff that we ask WWJD to, don't really matter. And frankl;y, most of what Jesus would do, we aren't capable of or don't have the balls to do. Let's look at this a little deeper.
Most of the Christians who use WWJD, seem to come to the conclusion that it's a simple black and white decision...well it's not. Jesus was often unpredictable. he did a lot of things that many of the "WWJD-Christians" wouldn't dream of doing. Many of the things that they decide Jesus wouldn't do, he would likely in fact have done. For example, may Christians will ask "Would Jesus go to this movie?" Well...probably yes. Jesus would go where he is needed. He put himself in situations that were uncomfortable, and that he could use as teaching moments. That would mean, that he would likely go to a movie that was violent, had sexual content and was vulgar, because it would give him an opportunity to spend time with those in need. he spent time with sinners. He went where it was "forbidden". If Jesus was here today, would you fidn him in the church, the Christian bookstore? Well, yes, he would likely be there, but he would also be at the raunchy movies, the strip clubs, the bars...the place where "sinners" are. That's where he went and who he spent his time with. He was with the prostitutes, the fact in the bible people called him a "drunkard"...cause he spent his time with those people so much that he was associated with them.
So, you WWJDers...are you prepared to do that? Are you willing to go to those sinful places because that's what Jesus would do? I didn't think so.
I personally think that the whole notion of "WWJD" is off kilter. Make your own decisions...most people know what is right and wrong, and what they should do...just do it. If what you are doing is a sin, then stop...if what you are doing is bringing someone closer to God, or giving you an opportunity to help out someone in need...then do it. Yes, there are some grey areas...lots of them, but make your own decision. You don't need to constantly ask "Would Jesus wear this shirt/shoe combination?", "Would Jesus take this job?", "Would Jesus play golf?"'s ridiculous, and it trivializes what Jesus came here for. he didn't come to earth to be put into a catchy acronym...he came to earth to redeem us...and TO DIE FOR US! That's what Jesus would do. he would live a life that pushed him to the outside..he would be associated with the hated, the unclean, the dirty and the sinners. He would be so revolutionary that he would ultimately die a horrible painful death. So stop wasting your time looking at the tacky bracelet before every small decision...frankly Jesus doesn't care where you live, what you eat, what you drink, who your friends are...and if he does want you in a certain place, he will arrange it to happen. Live your life, make your own decisions, and if you are going to attempt to completely follow WWJD then here are 3 things that you should do to live a life like Jesus, 1) never sin...ever, 2) spend most of your time with the homeless, outcast, sick, prostitutes, drug dealers, tax collectors, lwayers...the hated people, and 3) ultimately give your life up for people who hate you.
That's all I have to say about that. I realize that is controversial, that it is brass and brutal...but it's my opinion...what's yours?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Uprising of Marriage and Positive Relationships

It seems that, when people talk about Marriage and stuff, they always talk about the negative. Stand up comedians always make jokes about how marriage sucks, and Pastors and other Christians always focus on the 50% divorce rate. Pre-marital sex, abuse, dysunctional relationships also get a fair share of attention, which makes people come to the conclusion that marriage, and even relationships, are pointless and useless. But I feel that attitudes are changing. And in my opinion, the attitudes are changing more so from the secular side than the Christian side.
Recently, Kristi and I have enjoyed going to movies. Ok..we have always enjoyed going to movies, but the last few movies we have seen have really driven home the importance of positive relationships, and shows the good parts, as well as the difficult parts of marrige. First off, The Blindside. This was much more than a football movie. It was a movie about a family. Yes, the family had some issues, but it was a good family. There was nothing in the movie that would hint of a negative marriage experience. We left the movie feeling uplifted, and not just because the football was inspiring.
Next came the movie Couples Retreat. This had potential to be a raunchy, depressing movie in which marriage is shown to be a negative experience, but the oposite was actually true. Yes, there was sexual stuff in the movie, but coming from Hollywood, this movie was fantastic. Now, i have never seen the movie "Fireproof" (nor do I intend to...sorry mom and dad), but from what I have heard, Couples Retreat is pretty much a secular version of that...couples trying to work out their problems. Unfortunately, due to some sexual content, many Christians won't want to watch this movie...which is really too bad. Seriously Christians...are we so self-righteous that we refuse to watch anything that has something "bad"...I'm not saying watch anything and everything, but have to realize that Hollywood has different standards than we do, and if we let a positive movie like this get away from us, who knows where they will go. So i encourage it. Yes, be prepared for a little language and sex stuff...but watch the themes in the movie, and I trust that in the end you will be encouraged and even challenged.
Finally, the last movie we saw in theatres was Date Night. This one is even more filled with sexual content (just a heads up)...but once again, the theme is that Marriage is sacred, and you need to work out your problems, and not just immediately get a divorce when things get tough.
Hollywood isn't the only secular place that is teaching the value of marriage. Theres a new show on ABC called Modern Family. Now, many Christians are likely upset that this show contains a homosexual couple...but once again, they are living off of different standards than we are, and we can't really fault them for that. The important thing is, that this show really deals with the positives of family. It's a tight nit group, they don't always get along, but they love eachtoher and try to work things out.
I really hope that these movies and shows truly are a turn for the better. I really hope that people see marriage as a great life choice, and not a prison cell. Yes, marriage is hard, but you need to work on it. Things don't immediately get better once you get have to work at it, do things you dont enjoy..but the benefits are amazing. I find it very encouraging that there are people who still see marriage as a good thing...I just pray that soon, Christians will view it the same, as unfortunately, many Christians are falling into the "marriage is lame" trap too. Take a clue from hollywood people. Marriage is great, you just have to work at it! There is power in family!