Saturday, May 14, 2011

Because I Said So!

I'm sure we have all been on one side (or both sides) of this conversation before:

"Why can't I (insert desired activity here)?"

"Because, I said so!"

"Oh...ok, that makes sense!?" (or some variation ranging frm acceptance to anger and cursing)

The point is, as we grow up, we are told things that we need to do, things we can't do, things we can eat, things we can't eat, places we can and can't go, drinks we can and can't drink and words we can and can't say. For most of us, we never get a good reason as to why these things are accepted or forbidden. We just accept it as kids, and then one day pass down these same rules and regulations to our children, who will in turn pass it down to theirs and so on and so forth. While the "Because I said So" rule is fine in most family situations, as kids should listen to their parents, the problem comes when "Because I Said So" enters the world of religion. When the rule enters the church, the interpretation of the Bible, and the minds of Chrst Followers.

Ever since we went to Sunday School, we have been taught certain "Biblical Truths". Depending on your denomination (or even I am sure most religions have things that are taught "just because I said so"), it will change what these rules ar, but for me grwing up here is a short list of "Absolute Truths!":

-alcohol is bad (Jesus drank grape juice after all, right?)

-Swearing is straight from the pit of hell

-Pre-Marital sex is very bad.

-Homosexuality is even worse

-Pre-Marital-homosexual sex is enough to turn you into a demon (ok..I embelleshed that one a bit)

-Saying "The Prayer" is the only way to get to Heaven

-Watching a movie (or listening to music) with violence, and language will decensetize you so you go out and use curse words while killing people

-Jesus will return, takin Christian to heaven and then send an Apocolypse and force the rest f the world to suffer the reign of an evil Anti-Christ, locusts, fire, and the "mark of the beast"

-This "Apocolypse" is upon us, and will happen in our lifetime!

Ok...a few of these ideas go beyond the church and into my home environment, but you get the picture. Now, I am no saying that these things are false, untrue, or bad in and of themselves. Here is what I am saying..."We have to know WHY we believe what we believe!". "Because I said so" can't work as a foundation for Christian beliefs. We have to know why certain things are wrong? Why certain things are right? Why do we believe this is the way and not that?

This all started for me actually a few days ago when I was chatting with a friend. We got onto the topic of pre-marital sex (I don't know how we got there), and both of us asked, "Where in the Bible does it say that pre-marital sex is wrong?". It was a fundamental truth we had been taught since being a fetus, but we didn't know where it came from. Turns out, thanks to Google!, that there is no verse in the bible that condemns pre-marital sex. The closest thing it comes to is forbidding "sexual immorality" (which it does numerous times in the Bible). Now, what does Sexual immorality mean? How is it translated? I'm not could be interpretted in many ways. But somewhere, many years ago, someone translated Sexual Immorality to include (but not be limited to) pre-marital sex, passed it on to the next generation, and here we are believing this now! Believeing it as TRUTH!.

Once again, I am not encouraging people to have lots of pre-martial sex, that is not the point...the point is, "why do we believe that it is wrong?". Why do we believe that homosexuality is wrong? Is it because there are some verses in the Old Testament that forbid it? If that is the case, why is it ok for men to have long hair, or people to sit in a chair that a...ahem...woman on her "time of the month" sat on? Yes, there are verses in the New Testament about homosexuality too, but many of them are one person's opinion on the subject. I may be mistaken, but I don't believe Jesus ever says anything on the topic. But why do we believe what we do? Why is swearing so wrong? Ok, so the Bible mentions "unwholesome" talk...but once again, what does that mean? I am fairly certain that Jesus swore when we turned the tables in the temple.

So what I am trying to say, is..."Know what you believe, and WHY you believe it!". This goes beyond just the rules and goes to the fundamental truths of Christianity too. "Why is Jesus the only way?", "What is the Trinity?", "Did God Create the world?", "Is there a God?", "How do we know Jesus rose from the dead?". If your entire faith system...if all of your rules, regulations, and religious beliefs are based on "Because I said so" answers, then you are in is going to collapse. You are going to discover something that makes more sense, and go for that instead. Yes, there needs to be elements of faith, I get that. i'm not saying that we need proof for EVERYTHING, but we do at least need to find out for ourselves why certain things in Christianity are the way they are. Why we believe this, why we do that? Do some research, ask some questions, use Scripture, pray. Don't just accept what you believe as a "Because I said so" truth!.

So what are some of the "Because I Said So" things you were taught growing up, or are still taught today? Have you looked into why things are the way they are?