Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in Review

    Well...It's that time. I realize that I haven't blogged in a while, but I've had a lot going on lately, and to be honest, blogging hasn't been hight up on my list. Anyway, it is now the last day of 2011 (and for some people, it is already the early hours of 2012). I thought I would compile a list of my favourite things from this year. Not like Oprah...I'm not going to be giving away anything. I am just going to talk about my favourite books, movies, tv shows, moments from this past year. Hopefully I will make it exciting, fun and entertaining. Let's begin with movies:
        My 5 Favourite movies that I saw in 2011 (In no real particular order):
                  1) Memento.  I realize that this movie is much older than this past year...but I had the pleasure of watching it this year on Netflix...and it was amazing. Christopher Nolan created an incredible story, intricate plot, confusing yet gripping. Had me pinned the entire time, and left me shocked at the end of the movie as I thought back about what I had seen. (Also watched his even earlier movie called Following. That one is also highly recommended)
                  2) Bridesmaids. It's Judd Apatow's version of a chick flick. It is raunchy, crude...but very very funny. Kristen Wiig is amazing (as always), but every member of the cast really did an incredible job. Highly enjoyable.
                   3) It's Kind of a Funny Story. Zach Galifinakis takes on a more serious role in this movie, about a psych ward. It has funny moments, but it is filled with heart. Again, a great cast, and a fantastic plot.
                   4) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Could very well be the best M:I yet. Filled with humour (thanks in large part to Simon Pegg), and incredible action sequences. Had me from the opening scene. stars Tom Cruise, but it's produced by JJ Abrams (and also includes Sawyer from LOST) can you go wrong with that?
                     5) Crazy, Stupid, Love. I just want to say that I LOVED this movie. Not as hysterical as I expected it to be...but it was very well done, and did have numerous laugh out loud moments. Bottom line, however, is it deals with serious issues, like marriage, love and divorce...and encourages people to fight for those they love. It is filled with heart, but it's not sappy. Just overall, fantastic!

     My least favourite movie from 2011
                 I don't even have to explain too much from this one...Hangover II. It was a complete duplicate from it's predecessor. Highly disappointing.

   TV Shows that I enjoyed this year:
          Modern Family...still, the best written current comedy on TV in my opinion
          How I Met Your Mother....Finally started getting into this show, and it is very entertaining and funny.
           The Office...I thought without Carrell it would suck, but it has actually been a very surprising season filled with laughs!
            New Girl....Zooey Deschenal is hilarious as always. Kind of cheesy at moments...but good.
            Up All Night...Didn't watch as much of this one as I would have liked, but Will Arnett is hysterical.

   Best music from 2011:
          Switchfoot: Vise Verses. Nearly a perfect album!
          The Civil Wars. A weird sound, but very good.
          Hot Chelle Rae. I have to admit...they are very catchy!
          Michael Buble Christmas. Love or hate Holiday music...Buble has a voice for Christmas.
          Tyler Ward/Boyce Avenue. I just really got into both of these guys this year. AMAZING stuff!
          Relient K is for Karaoke. Best Cover Album ever. Just sayin'.

    Some of the Books I read this year (with a score out of 10)
          Love Wins (Rob Bell)- 9/10. Not nearly as controversial as I expected, and raised some amazing questions.
          Velvet Elvis (Rob Bell)-8/10. Classic Rob Bell...raised many of the Love Wins questions.
           Girl With the Dragon Tatoo/Hornets Nest/Played with Fire (Steig Larsson)-7/10. Had great plot, and interesting characters...but the Swedish names and places got confusing, as did some of the Swedish terms. (still want to see the movies tho).
            Bossypants (Tina Fey)- 9/10. Funny, enlightening. I Love Tina Fey, and this book makes me love her even more!
            Is Everyone Hanging out with Me? (Mindy Kaling)-8.5/10. I give it a half point less than Tina Fey's book only because I read Bossypants first, so it set the bar high. Still a fantastic book though!

            Steve Jobs (Walter Isaacson)- 9.5/10. Everything you want from a biography. It's honest, raw, and isn't afraid to show the good and the bad about Steve Jobs. A fascinating, enlightening read.
            Moonlight Mile (Dennis Lehane)-8.5/10. Not as good as it's prequel Gone Baby Gone, but a nice continuation from that story. Amazing character development, and moral dilemma's.

            Book of Negroes (Lawrence Hill)- 9.5/10. INCREDIBLE read. of the best Historical Fiction novels I have ever read!
             Simply Christian (NT Wright)-8/10. Great thoughts, by a great theologian. I just had to re-read a far parts of it though because some of it went over my head.

             The Know-It All (AJ Jacobs)-8.5/10. Nice, funny, entertaining read.

              God Without Religion (Andrew Farley)- 9/10. Easy read, but very challenging. Great book!

             127 Hours (Aron Ralston)- 8.5/10. Lot's of technical climbing terms, but the survival story is outstanding!

             Cornered (Ron MacLean)- 8/10. For hockey fans, especially Canadian hockey doesn't get much better than this biography of one of the iconic hockey figures in the country!

            I Am Ozzy (Ozzy Osbourne)- 9/10. I can't stand Ozzy...but his biography was incredible. I couldn't put it down, and I actually am able to tolerate him as a person knowing now all that he has been through!

   Best book of the Year!
           Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is by far the best Biography ( book in general!) I have read this year, if not in many years. For anyone who loves historical stories, especially WWII survival stories, it doesn't get any better than this one. Well written, and the story is INCREDIBLE!

   My favourite moments of the year:
        1) First off, the Boston Bruins winning the Stanley Cup was amazing! Tim Thomas is a beast, and was incredible!
         2) Getting a full time job at House of James has been great! Love the store, and the people I work with. Great environment to be a part of!
        3) Speaking at camp this past summer. Week went great, and was even told I was the best speaker some of the campers have ever had. Was awesome to be able to share the Word with kids, in a fun and engaging way.
      4) JETS ARE BACK!!!!! thing about this year is the return of the Winnipeg Jets. As a Canadian Hockey Fan, and as a Manitoban, I am so stoked that they have returned.

Well...that was my year (briefly). Lots has happened. It's been a tough year, in fact it could be said that it's been the toughest year for me yet....but there have been good moments. I've read some amazing books, watched some fantastic movies and TV shows, heard some great music and was a witness to many incredible world events (good and bad ones). It has been a year I will never forget, and one that has pushed me to the brink. One that has tested me as a man, as a Christian, and as a husband. But here I stand...on the verge of crossing over into 2012. Who knows what this year will hold. Who knows if it will be any easier, or if it will in fact be even tougher.
   Here's to 2012. May it be a year of success! May it be a year of discovering new things, adventures, joys and excitement. If your 2011 was a great one, I hope that this coming year is even better...and if your 2011 was difficult, I pray that this upcoming year will be much easier. God Bless and Happy New Year.