Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prioritize This!

Wow, so I recently remembered that I haven't blogged in a while. Correction, I recently remembered that I have a blog, which means that it has been a long time since my last post. Not blogging since March is completely unacceptable, and I will do my best to do much better than that now. Life has been great, I'm currently working with Kristi's brother Erik doing construction and stuff, and I have applied to work at Best Buy, which is opening up in Abbotsford very shortly, so we'll see what happens with that. Anyway, that brief update stuff isn't what I wanted to blog about. I want to blog about priorities.
I've been thinking a lot about priorities lately, and what my priorities are. Of course, I can't take all of the credit about thinking about this...in fact I don't think I can take any of the credit. Kristi has been telling me that I spend WAY to much time on the computer, and watching tv (which is definately true). Also, our television has broken, which has helped me to realize how much I used to depend on it (and I'm also getting concerned about the lack of the tv for The Office premier on Thursday). Finally, in church on Sunday, the pastor talked about having a pure heart and prioritizing our lives.
My priorities are definately not the best. I focus so much on email, facebook, television, downloading music, buying movies, following my sports team (which, being a Leafs fan means watching them lose...yes, I did just admit that), and going to work. My bible reading is very minor, and my prayer life is suffering. I spend time with Kristi, but I know I definately need to dedicate time for her. Because my priorities are out of whack, the things that should be first in my life (God and Kristi, in that order), are suffering. I need to give up everything for God. I'm not talking about living in poverty, or never having fun or anything, but I need to prioritize my life so that God is number 1, and is involved in everything that I do. O-Town (yes, the band) has a song called "All or Nothing". While the rest of the song really doesn't apply, the chorus starts with the line "Because I want it all, or nothing at all". That is so true with God. He wants us to give everything to him, and if we aren't willing to give it all, then we may as well give him nothing. What are your priorities in life? Finding an amazing job? Getting married? Playing sports? Watching television? Give it up to God. Dedicate your life to serving and honoring him. You will still be able to do the things you love (unless those things involve sinful activity...then you probably shouldn't do them), but your priority will be honoring and serving God. Your life will be fuller, and your purpose will be clear. This is something I really need to do. It won't be easy, it's far to easy to live for our own selfish gain, but it's important. That's my challenge for you, and for myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well written Keith. Definitely a challenge for me too. I know I spend my time in so many ways that aren't good. And my spiritual life sucks a lot of the time. So thanks for the challenge... it hit me on Sunday too... but to hear it again has been even better!

Ps. Keep writing! I love it!