Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Start of a Journey

First of all, I need to apologize for not updating this blog for the past little while...of course only about 4 people checked it out so far anyway, so it doesn't seem like there is a massive outcry against me. Anyway. things have been incredibly busy and hectic out here. First of all, I got engaged...which is awesome, and then the hectic thing is...the wedding is in just over a month. That's right, August 24 I will be tying the knot with my beautiful fiancee Kristi. Marriage is a wonderful thing isn't it? Of course, currently I am speaking as an outsider, as I have not personally experienced marriage, but the concept and purpose is amazing. Two people becoming one. Seperate individuals becoming one identity. It's beautiful. God created something amazing. Unfortunately, our world has made a mockery of marriage. Divorce, especially amongst celebrities and other "role models" is rampant, and almost expected. Abuse is common, and unfaithfulness lurks around every corner. I haven't even mentioned the whole same-sex marriage controversy. What has happened to the beautiful thing that God created with Adam and Eve?
God wants to marry us. That perhaps sounds weird, and twisted, but it's true. Just a man becomes one with his wife, God wants us to become one with him. He doesn't want us to live as two seperate identities, only knowing eachother as aquaintances. He wants to be ONE with us. He wants to be the first person you talk to, the last person you talk to, and the top priority in your life. Talk with him, laugh with him, spend time with him. Give him your all, just as, in a marriage (as they are suppossed to be anyway) the husband gives his all to serve, honour and respect his wife. What are you waiting for? Walk down the aisle, God is waiting at the front. It will be the start of a gorgeous journey. Yes, it will have many difficult times; what marriage doesn't, but the whole entity is beautiful. Give him your all. Give him everything you are, and say "I do".

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Great Opportunity, Intense Responsibility

So, this is my first blog. I will admit that I have attempted blogging before, but it's never lasted long, so hopefully this blog will be different. I also need to admit, that past blogs I have written have caused many problems, and hurt many people. My hope and prayer is that this blog will be honest, yet pure, possibly funny, and also spread the Truth of the Word of Christ. It's amazing to think that, now, with technology the way it is, any average joe can just write a paragraph or two, post it onto a website and millions of people around the world can access it. More than ever, one person can truly change the world. A small word, a tiny sentance, and lives can be changed-hopefully for the better.
The Bible commands us to be a city on a hill, a light to the world. This is why I chose the name "A Torch On a Mountain" for my blog. It may seem kind of lame, and I admit I'm still not entirely sure if I like the sound of it, but there is a meaning behind it. A torch gives light, and allows people to see in otherwise dark places. A torch on a mountain can be seen by everyone. As a Christian, I have the tough challenge to live my life so that those around me can get a picture of the Kingdom of God, a small glimps of Jesus. Obviously, I mess up many times, and there are numerous incidents when I failed to act as Jesus would act. Being a light to the world is not easy. I hope that the words I write on this blog will encourage those who read it, challenge those who's hearts need to be challenged, and help give guidance to those who are walking the wrong way. I may not have all the answers, but I hope I can at least get you to ask the important questions, and find the Truth that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.