Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Fair God?

So, recently, I had a conversation with a friend about whether God is fair or not. It seems like an interesting question...and something that should seem so simple right? of course God is fair. Of course, like most philosophical questions, it's a lot more difficult to answer than it first seems.
Now, I will tell you right away, that I do in fact believe that God is a fair God. Many people may disagree, and that is ok, and I understand why they believe that God is unfair. So...without further ado, let's get to the discussion.
People that believe that God is an unfair God often bring up the argument that "God is unfair because we deserve death, as sinners, and yet God loves us and brings us life". That is absolutely correct. We do deserve death, and we deserve punishment, and yet God doesn't always punish us in the ways we believe he should. Does that not make him unfair? Well...let's first look at the definition of fair. According to (I was too lazy to grab a real dictionary...I apologize), fair means, "free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice". To me, that sounds like a fair description of God, does it not? Does God have a bias? I don't think so. Is he dishonest? absolutely not. and he truly is a God of justice. So...according to that definition, God is fair. However, there are things that God does, that may seem unfair. For example, there is a parable in the bible about workers in a field. A farmer goes out looking for workers, and finds some. He offers to pay them a cartain wage (which they both agree on), and then they go to work. Later, the farmer goes to get more workers, and then later goes to get more. This continues until the farmer gathers some workers who work for the final hour, before the day is over. At the end of the day, all of the workers recieve the same amount of pay. The first workers are livid, they can't believe that they recieve the same amount as the workers who only worked for an hour. What the farmer did was seen as unfair. But was it really? Of course not, the workers and the farmer agreed on a set price, and that is the price that they received. Incredibly fair.
I think there are 2 reasons why people see God as unfair:
First of all, life is unfair and so therefore God seems unfair as well. I understand this reasoning. Bad things happen to good people. and good things happen to bad people...unfair! But it is accurate to associate God with the unfairness of life? Is unfair life and unfair God the same thing? I don't believe so. In life, people have choices to do certain things, and sometimes, their choices cause an unfair life for others. Not everything that happens is a direct result of God's Will. Yes, I just said that...and I'll let you catch your breath, because you are probably shocked. Do I beleive that God has an ultimate plan? Definately...I believe that He is in control, and that everything will work out according to his plan...however I believe that there are things that happen, that aren't part of the plan. Let's look at Adam and Eve. God gave them a choice, and ultimately I believe that God knew what they woudl choose...but his plan WASN'T for them to eat the forbidden fruit. His plan was for them to live in harmony with him in the garden, and unfortunatly that didn't happen. Later on, God destroys the world with a flood, saving only Noah and his family. Was that part of the plan? Of course not, but something had to be done, and so God did something that he didn't want to have to do. I would even go as far to say that Jesus wasn't part of the plan. If everything went according to plan, Jesus never would have had to come to Earth, because we all would have been living in perfection in the garden. God's plans were changed because of the action of in the end we WILL live in harmony with God, but until then, the plans are changing and God's Will is being affected by man's actions (at times at least).
The Second reason people believe that God is unfair, is because they judge God on a human level. God does things that we don't understnad, and that humans would deem unfair. However, we all believe that God is perfect, and therefore everything he does is perfect. Can something be unfair and perfect? I don't belive so. We don't understand everything God does, and so we often just jump to the conclusion that he is unfair (both for the good and the bad). But God is truly the most fair of all; he is just on a level that is so fair and so perfect that we can't comprehend it or understand it.
So, according to me at least...someone who doesn't even come close to fully understanding everything, God is a fair God...but what do you think? I've given my opinion, now give yours.

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