Monday, March 29, 2010

Stand Up For My Beliefs!

I'll admit, I enjoyed Veggie Tales. Ok, correction, I still enjoy Veggie Tales. One of my all time favourite songs from Veggie Tales, comes from the great Rack, Shack and Benny episode. It's the song "Stand Up" (Skillet does an amazing cover of the song...if you've ever wanted to hear a rock version of a Veggie Tale classic). The chorus simply goes, "Stand up (stand up), for what you believe in, believe in, believe in God (he's the one to back you up)..." Pretty catchy and good lyrics. Unfortunately, in too many lives today, both Christian and not, the song should really go "Stand up for what I believe in". It's too bad that Christians (everyone does it, but Christians seem to be the biggest culprit...but it does apply to all), preach about standing up for what you believe in, but when what you believe in contradicts what THEY believe in, then what you believe in is immediately wrong, and you are a sinner for believing it.
Going back to the "Hot Button" topics again, Christians want everyone to stand on the same soapbox that they are standing on. They scream, "Stand up for your long as your beliefs coincide with mine!". For example, the recent hot button issue of Gay Marriage. Now, i'm not going to say that I advocate gay marriage, I personally do believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, but I also value other peoples beliefs...and frankly, from a non-Christian perspective, and coming from people who don't know the Bible too well, gay marriage makes perfect sense. Of course in a secular society marriage should be about 2 people who love eachother, regardless of gender. Christians think that because we have the Bible, that anyone who doesn't completely agree with the Bible is evil...when really, who are we to blame people for coming up with an idea that sounds really good, when they don't know anything about the Bible. How can we expect them to have the same opinions of us when they don't know? The same goes for abortion, and anything else. Let's let everyone stand up for their own beliefs. Yes, there will be conflict...beliefs won't always mesh together well, and some will be in direct opposition, but is that not the way it should be? Being a Christian is hard, and anyone that stands up for their beliefs is doing something very difficult. Before we slam them, and tear them down, can we at least commend them for going against the flow and standing up for something that means a lot to them? I can't stand PETA, but I at least commend them for being so hardcore about what they believe in. They take it too far sometimes (in my perspective), but at least they are not being hypocrites and are standing up for their beliefs. So...for the first time in my life, I will say, WAY TO GO PETA!
Of course, there are limits. There are some beliefs that need to be extinguished right away...after all we can't have the Klu Klux Klan or the Nazis running around again, but for the most part, most beliefs are ok. There definately will be conflict, but that is where, as Christians we need to show our love and patience. When our beleifs are up agaisnt someone elses beliefs, and their beliefs come out victorious...instead of claiming prejudice or persecution, we need to accept it and move on. Stay classy, and continue to show the love of Christ. I think one reason why many non-Christians find Christians stubborn, obnoxious and "righteous:, is because when we lose, or when our beliefs aren't fully met, we get indignant (big word!), and angry and cry bloody murder until our throats are hoarse...instead of backing down and taking it for what it is. God says life will be tough for those who follow him. People read the verse "My yoke is easy and my burden is light", and focus on the words "easy" and "light"...when reallt the keywords are "yoke" and "burden". Even if the yoke is easy, or the burden is still have a yoke and a burden.
So this is my's a twofold one. Stand up for beliefs, first and foremost. Don't let anyone tell you what you should believe...but at the same time, don't tell anyone what they should believe. Don't force someone to take on the same opinions and beliefs that you have. That's my soapbox rant...feel free to get on your own and shout back.

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