Friday, April 23, 2010

WWJD...the fad, the phenomenon!

Anyone who is even remotely familiar with Christian beliefs...whether they are full fledged Christians, or athiests who have ever talked to a Christian, is familiar with the acronym WWJD...or What Would Jesus Do? It's the question that Christians always ask one another when they are facing a decision. Frankly...I think this is ridiculous and needs to stop (to an extent). I definately think that we need to attempt to model our life like Jesus did, but it is really important to note that 3/4 of the stuff that we ask WWJD to, don't really matter. And frankl;y, most of what Jesus would do, we aren't capable of or don't have the balls to do. Let's look at this a little deeper.
Most of the Christians who use WWJD, seem to come to the conclusion that it's a simple black and white decision...well it's not. Jesus was often unpredictable. he did a lot of things that many of the "WWJD-Christians" wouldn't dream of doing. Many of the things that they decide Jesus wouldn't do, he would likely in fact have done. For example, may Christians will ask "Would Jesus go to this movie?" Well...probably yes. Jesus would go where he is needed. He put himself in situations that were uncomfortable, and that he could use as teaching moments. That would mean, that he would likely go to a movie that was violent, had sexual content and was vulgar, because it would give him an opportunity to spend time with those in need. he spent time with sinners. He went where it was "forbidden". If Jesus was here today, would you fidn him in the church, the Christian bookstore? Well, yes, he would likely be there, but he would also be at the raunchy movies, the strip clubs, the bars...the place where "sinners" are. That's where he went and who he spent his time with. He was with the prostitutes, the fact in the bible people called him a "drunkard"...cause he spent his time with those people so much that he was associated with them.
So, you WWJDers...are you prepared to do that? Are you willing to go to those sinful places because that's what Jesus would do? I didn't think so.
I personally think that the whole notion of "WWJD" is off kilter. Make your own decisions...most people know what is right and wrong, and what they should do...just do it. If what you are doing is a sin, then stop...if what you are doing is bringing someone closer to God, or giving you an opportunity to help out someone in need...then do it. Yes, there are some grey areas...lots of them, but make your own decision. You don't need to constantly ask "Would Jesus wear this shirt/shoe combination?", "Would Jesus take this job?", "Would Jesus play golf?"'s ridiculous, and it trivializes what Jesus came here for. he didn't come to earth to be put into a catchy acronym...he came to earth to redeem us...and TO DIE FOR US! That's what Jesus would do. he would live a life that pushed him to the outside..he would be associated with the hated, the unclean, the dirty and the sinners. He would be so revolutionary that he would ultimately die a horrible painful death. So stop wasting your time looking at the tacky bracelet before every small decision...frankly Jesus doesn't care where you live, what you eat, what you drink, who your friends are...and if he does want you in a certain place, he will arrange it to happen. Live your life, make your own decisions, and if you are going to attempt to completely follow WWJD then here are 3 things that you should do to live a life like Jesus, 1) never sin...ever, 2) spend most of your time with the homeless, outcast, sick, prostitutes, drug dealers, tax collectors, lwayers...the hated people, and 3) ultimately give your life up for people who hate you.
That's all I have to say about that. I realize that is controversial, that it is brass and brutal...but it's my opinion...what's yours?


Nate Brandes said...

Great thoughts Keith. I think the challenge to live authentically like Jesus without sugar coating it is a very real challenge for many believers who read what they want to read. However, I have one caution. Paul taught Timothy to be above reproach, to guard how he was seen by the public in order that the name of Christ (the name believers bear day-to-day) would not be tarnished. So I would ask, is there a difference between hanging out with strippers and prostitutes and going to a strip club? Because Jesus was with the prostitutes, but he didn't go to the brothels... We need to guard what we take in as believers, what we let in our minds and hearts, because the enemy is cunning and that can corrupt. BUT, you are very right, we need to step out of where we are comfortable and what is the norm in order to reach those on the fringes. I would just caution the mode and venue in which we do this.
The reality is that, yes, Jesus would do and go and be with people and places that many contemporary believers would frown on... but he would not allow himself to do something that would have given someone genuine reason to call him a drunkard or sinner.

Those are just my thoughts...

Keith said...

No, I agree with you Nate. The point wasn't to say to go to these was more just to open the minds of people, and make people realizing that the WWJD question is much bigger and more complex than it at first seems.