Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's All About The Now

There's a Kokanee commercial on now, which I'm sure you've all seen with the slogan "It's All About The Now". At first, this may seem like a selfish slogan, but, in reality, I believe that it is a slogan that is relevant...and one that Christians need to take to heart.
If most Christians were to make a commercial with a similar slogan, I believe that the slogan would go something like "It's all about Heaven!". Christianity is a religion that, unfortunately, has become focused on the future instead of the present. Christians are always living with the mindset of heaven. How many of you have heard slogans like, "I'm just passing through!" or "This isn't really my home...Heaven is my home". Those sayings are metephorically true, however they really miss the point of what being a Christian means. Being a Christian isn't just about a free pass into heaven. It's a lifestyle, a relationship with God. If Christianity was all about heaven, then once we became a Christian we would go straight to heaven, but, as we know...seeing as we are still on earth, that's not how it works.
People who are so focused on the "end", miss great opportunity here on earth. Let's put this into a little analogy here. Imagine that you are on the vacation of your dreams. Let's say you are in the Bahamas, during the warm, beautiful summer. Sitting on a lawn chair looking out over the ocean, with a drink in your hand (make it whatever you want...martini, beer, pepsi, coke, water...your choice! I'll go with a rum and coke for myself), and having the time of your life. But soon after you settle in for the vacation, you start thinking about life when you get home. You think about the work you will need to do, the people you need to see, the bills you have to pay, the items you need to buy...all these things that you need to do AFTER your vacation. If all your time was spent thinking about "after I get home", then you will not enjoy the vacation at all...or at least significantly less than someone who fully takes in the relaxation and beauty of the Bahamas. Now, i don't want to say that this life is a vacation and heaven is doing work and paying bills, but I do think you get the point. If you are so focused on heaven, and what heaven will be like, then you will miss out of incredible opportunities here on earth.
So let's take a lesson from Kokanee, live in the now...not focused on the "to come". Yes...it's ok to think about it, and to get excited for heaven...but don't let it consume you so much that you neglect the here and now. That's my opinion anyway.

1 comment:

Nate Brandes said...

Excellent post Keith. So good... I can't agree more. I wrote about something similar last month. It's a good reminder for us all... too bad Kokanee is gross... lol.