Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Need To Be Right

Wow...I'm writing a second blog, in the same say, within less than 2 hours of eachother. This has to be somekind of record. I AM AWESOME! No, just kidding. But seriously, I can't believe I am doing this, but something else has entered my skull...and instead of holding onto it for a couple of days with lack of sleep (yes...thinking about blogs can affect my sleep...sad isn't it?), I figured I'd write it down now.
I always seem to find myself in conversations, both on facebook and in person, with people over spiritual matters. Sometimes I will enter a conversation that I don't agree with, just to put my two cents in and stir the pot a little bit. Sometimes, a topic will be discussed that I feel really strongly about, and feel the need to say my part. Other times, I will just haphazardly walk into one, not knowing how I got there at all. I've always been this way. I love discussions, and getting into arguments about theological truths. But, I've just realized, that one of the reasons why I do it isn't because I feel called by God to enter the's because I want people to agree with me. I want people to think that I am smart, funny, religious. I want to change people's minds based solely on what I say, and what arguments I have. I have come to realize that, while I enjoy discussion, I enjoy it more when I'm the one on the attack. I recently entered a facebook conversation with a friend and like 50 people I don't know...and all of them had a different opinion than me. I felt defensive, and din't enjoy it at all. I still felt that my position was correct, but couldn't convince anyone to agree with me. And it frustrated the hell out of me (pardon my use of the "h" word). But really, aren't we all like that at some point? Deep down, we have this desire to be liked, to be agreed with. (It's can disagree if you like). One of my biggest pet peeves, is when I love a movie, and I tell others about it, and they don't like it as much...or even worse, they hate it. It makes me so mad. And why does it? Cause I want to be responsible for them discovering something great. I want them to see that movie and think "Wow, Keith has great taste".
I need to work on being more humble. I have to be ok with people disagreeing with me, arguing AGAINST me. I need to realize that, just because someone has a differing opinion than me, it doesn't make them the enemy..and when they challenge me, it's not a personal attack on my character (Unless they are actually attacking my character). I need to stand my ground, and stand up for what I believe in, but not to make myself great. I need to humble myself. Cast aside everything that would cause me to boast. I need to be ok with being wrong every once in a while. Step down off of my high horse, pack up my soapbox, and just leave things alone. It's not my job to change peoples perspective, opinions, or beliefs. That's God's job. He may use me for this purpose, or he may not. He may even use the other person to change MY beliefs, opinions and perspectives....and that is really tough for me to accept.

Plan B

Currently, I am reading a book titled Plan B, by an author I had never heard of, Pete Wilson. I encourage all of you to read this book, as it's a book we can all relate to (if not right now, eventually in your life you will be able to relate to it). I will confess, that a lot of the ideas in this blog will be based off of this book, however I will try to have my own insights and anecdotes as well.
One of the biggest lies Christians tell themselves, and unfortunately tell others, is "If you have enough faith, do enough good things, serve God enough, and are 'spiritual' enough, God will bless you and answer all of your prayers". Perhaps I am generalizing that too much, but the basic truth is...we have all believed this, or at the very least heard this at one time or another, right? We've seen the preachers urging their parishoners to "have more faith", to "pray harder", and if they do, then prayers will be answered. Unfortunately, that is very untrue. Bad things happen to good people. One of the hardest truths for Christians is, "our plans and God's plans are not always the same thing". We fall into the trap that, God wants what we want. Now, there are times that this is true...that God truly does want the same things that we want...however, there are many, MANY times that what we want isn't even close to what God wants. The bible is littered with stories of people who have a plan, or an idea of what they want...and God turns it completely on its head. How do we respond when our Plan A turns into a Plan B?
I will tell you a story from my second year at Bethany College. I'm sure I have mentioned this story before, but I will tell it again:
My second year at Bethany was literally one of the hardest, and most depressing years of my life. It was a complete Plan B for me. Nothing went according to plan. In fact, it even began the end of my first year. At the end of my first year, I had my heart broken by a girl that I naively thought was "the one", and I had my dreams of being a R.A. crushed (an R.A. is a student who is in charge of a "unit" or group of people in the dorms). I was already fragile entering my second year of Bethany, but I had things to look forward to. I was going to play indoor soccer, be part of drama teams and have a great time. But it was not to be. I auditioned for 3 different drama type was the Bethany Players. This is the group that travels around to churches and communities and performs skits. In fact, the Players were the very reason I even attended Bethany in the first place. They performed at my church in Boissevain, and I said to myself "I want to do that". The other 2 drama groups were Productions, one in the first semester and one in the second semester. All three of my auditions went well, and I got call backs all the way to the end in all of them...and then didn't make the cut on any of them. I was crushed. I thought for sure that this was the year I would make players, and it didn't happen. As crushed as I was, I still believed that I would at least have indoor soccer to play, which would ease the pain. I tried out, and did horrible. Like, literally really bad. However, I was on the team the year prior, so I assumed that the coach would want players who had played before, so I thought I was a lock for the team...I thought wrong. So, I tried out for 4 different things, 5 if you count wanting to be an R.A., that I wanted really bad, and not one of them happened. I was pissed off. However, things were going to get even harder on me. I was lead to believe, by both the drama instructor and soccer coach, that if anybody quit the team, or if anything happened, that I would be on the teams. Well, both the Players and soccer team had someone quite, or leave for various reasons. And I didn't get a position on either team. In fact, my R.A. got the spot on the Players, and a person who didnt even try out for the soccer team got the spot on the team (I was the only cut from the team). I was beyond angry, frustrated and just felt betrayed. My unit was filled with people who were either on Players, on the soccer team, in a production, and even a few who were part of 2, or even all of these things. I couldn't get away from it. I wish I could say that I responded well, and trusted God that his Plan B was better than my Plan A...but I didn't. I in fact was so mad that I wrote a VERY hurtful blog, directed at the drama teacher, soccer coach, and people who were on the teams. I made the fals assumption that nobody read my blogs anyway, and so I thought I was more venting to myself...of course, people did read it. I hurt a lot of people (If you happen to be one of the people I hurt, I apologize sincerely). That whole year at Bethany, I was just a negative, depressed person. I acted like I had it all together, but deep down I was an angry person. I did not respond well to my Plan B situation.
Ok, so that was a longer story than I anticipated, however I think you get the picture. We all have had similar Plan B situations. The fact is, I lost sight of the fact that God didnt want what I wanted. I reacted in a way that was hurtful, and horrible...and in fact that blog cost me a spot on the Players my third year as well. If I had only accepted God's plan, realized that I had another purpose for being there, I would have not only enjoyed my second year at Bethany a lot more (instead of being bitter everytime I saw someone who made the teams...which at a small school is like every 35 seconds), but I also would have made the Players the next year.
How we react to Plan B situations is key. Look at Job, he lost everything and yet still was able to trust God, and worship God. Yes, he was upset, and confused...yet he knew that God was bigger than his plans. Also, the story of Joseph. His life was a complete Plan B situation. Nearly killed by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsley accused and imprisoned, and forgotten. What if Joseph reacted differently? What if, when his brothers showed up to get food from him, he sent them away or sold them into slavery? The entire nation of Israel would have been wiped out. If Joseph was bitter while in prison, he never would have interpreted the dreams nor would he have finally been named second in command of all of egypt.
It's not easy to react well to Plan B situations. But if we lay down our expections at Christ's feet. If we let our plans be secondary to God's plans, then we have a better chance of reacting better, and being a happier, less bitter person. But when we assume that God will reward our plans, when we think that "my plan is the same as God plan"...we will be left battered, bruised and bitter when our plan goes awry. In fact, we may even feel that God has abandoned us, when in all reality he is more real than ever before.
If we open our hearts, and our minds to what God wants, then we may even realize that the Plan B, even though it is different and harder, is actually much better than our original Plan A ever was. Of course...that's a lot easier said than done.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Things I Hate...

Hate is a very strong word. These are words we have all heard, likely hundreds of times in our lifetime. We utter something like "Oh, I HATE Him", in which a friend or parent will respond with "Hate is a strong word". I appreciate the phrase, and I do understand that Hate, by all definition is a very strong and powerful word. However, I am going to compile a list of things I "hate". Keep in mind that many of these things are meant to be humourous, a few are meant to be serious and spiritual...and none are meant to offend. If I mention a person, or group of people, I don't mean "hate" in a strong "I wish they were dead and cast into hell sense", but in a more "strongly dislike, or are irritated by" sense. So please, don't think that I am being racist, prejudice or rude. So...without further ado, here is an organized list of things that I hate:

Things I hate...about life
I hate going to the dentist.
I hate how everything costs money
I hate when your clothes don't get fully dry in the dryer, and yet you try to wear them anyway
I hate girls who dress like sluts and then complain that they aren't taken seriously, or are seen as a sexual object
I hate PETA...if you want to be a vegetarian fine, but don't tell me what I can and can't eat
I hate feminists...I'm all for equality, but don't put yourselves on a pedestal. You want to know why chivalry is dead? YOU KILLED IT!
I hate how the gay community (I'm walking on thin ice here) feels the need to flaunt it to everyone, and are offended by anyone who doesn't approve of their lifestyle. If you want to be gay, that's your issue, but don't tell me what I have to believe or think.
I hate people who hate homosexuals, just for being homosexuals. I don't agree with the lifestyle, but I accept them as people.
I hate racists...and black people (TOTALLY kidding...seriously, I am 100% joking)
I hate people who write lists about things that nobody cares about

Things I hate...about Entertainment
I hate how actors like Vin Diesel and Jason Stathom are famous for having no acting talent at all
I hate how Lady Gaga feels the need to be so bizarre. Her music is catchy, but seriously, do you have to dress and act the way that you do ALL the freakin time?
I hate how, songs that I used to hate, become catchy and I end up loving them.
I hate "secret songs" on CD's. Really...a 20 minute moment of silence before an additional song...c'mon people, you are screwin up my Itunes flow!
I hate a great movie with a crappy ending
I hate slow moving, boring movies, when I expected a fast moving, exciting movie
I hate people who claim that Johnny Depp can't act. He is one of, if not THE best actor in Hollywood. You can hate his movies, but you have to accept that he is a fantastic actor.
I hate how commericals always show the husband as being stupid, and the wife as having all the answers.

Things I hate...about sports
I hate people who hate a certain team for no reason other than "they suck". Seriously people, if you are going to hate a team, have a real reason.
I hate the Dallas Stars (for the 1999 Stanley Cup goal), New York Yankees (can you say "buying a championship"?), Ottawa Senators (I'm a leaf fan...there's no room in ontario for both of us!), and L.A. Lakers (same reason as the Yankees...that and Kobe).
I hate Gary Bettman
I hate how certain athletes, such as Lebron James, Sidney Crosby and that pitcher Strasburg, have these huge expectations thrust upon them before they even play a single pro game.
I hate when people cheat and get away with it

Things I hate...about Canada/The U.S.
I hate how, the U.S. has claimed the term "American" for themselves. Seriously people...we are part of America is Mexico. And don't forget about all of South America.
I hate when the U.S. beats us in sports
I hate how, some people from the U.S. put Canadian flags on their luggage when they travel so they are treated better.
I hate how the Canadian military is seen as weak...when in reality, we are just as good if not better than the U.S. (with a much smaller budget). We dominated in D-Day (before the U.S. even got there), and we are the only country to successfully burn down the White House!

Things I hate...about Christian Movies
I hate that everything always works out in the end
I hate that, when the main character prays to God and asks for something, it is granted almost immediately
I hate that the acting sucks
I hate that it's not realistic whatsoever (no body swear, theres little violence, no sex...really people? Is that how the world really is?)

Things I hate about Christians in general
I hate how judgemental Christians are
I hate when Christians give the typical Christian cliche answer to real issues
I hate ridiculous Church Signs with the ridiculous sayings on them. All you need to put is "Name of Church, Name of Pastor, Time of service and Everyone Welcome"...we don't need a clever "Jesus Answers Knee Mail" phrase, thank you very much.
I hate how Christians feel the need to have to support other Christians, despite how bad they may be at a certain job. (For example, George Bush was supported because he was "Christian", however he really wasn't the best option in my opinion)
I hate how Christians get offended about EVERYTHING (probably this blog)
I hate when Christians misquote Scripture, take Scripture out of context and twist Scripture to make it mean what they want it to mean.
I hate how Christians always have to try to persuade everyone to have the same exact beliefs that they share.
I hate Christians who rank Evangelism and Witnessing above building relationships and serving the poor. Jesus said "I was hungry and you gave me food" not "I was hungry and you read me Scripture and converted me"

Well...that's pretty much all I can think of right now. I'm sure there are a lot more that I could add, however the World Cup is on, and it's England playing the U.S. (go England!), and it's distracting my creative juices. I hope you enjoyed the list, and I apologize if it was offensive at times. So now it's your turn...what sort of things do you hate?