Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Biography of my life

Lately I've been reading a lot of biographies. I read a book called "The Son of Hamas" which was a very interesting biography of the son of the man who started the terrorist group Hamas. His life story is fascinating, incredible and intense. The things he has seen. and the things he has done (both good and bad) make for a very exciting story. I also recently read the biography of Russel Peters, the Indo-Canadian comedian. The book was great, he too had an amazing story of overcoming obastacles and making something of his life. Currently I am starting a long 600 plus page autobiography of Nelson Mandela. While to be honest, I don't know a lot about Mandela, I do know that his story is going to be AMAZING. I do know that he overcame a lot, faced many years in prison and eventually brought together a country on the brink of disaster. These biographies have been fascinating, but they have got me thinking...what have I done? What would my biography look like? At the rate my life is going, it won't be much of a biography. In fact, it will probably be a sad look at a life that is unfulfilled. A life that had such potential, and yet fell short. I don't want that to be the story of my life. I want to exceed expecations. I want to make something of myself. I want God to look down on me with excitement and enjoyment at what I am doing, instead of shaking his head at what I COULD be doing.
So I'm going to try to do something about it. Perhaps it will be through this blog, that like 5 people read. Maybe somehow, God will use the words that I write on the internet, to a few people, and make a difference in the lives of many. I've been thinking of writing a book, and in fact I already sort of started it. The book would be one of those "Blue Like Jazz" or Rob Bell type book, in which every chapter is of a different topic, and yet it all connects and flows together. I would probably use my blogs as a base, and just expand on them. Go into more detail, pull up some key bible verses, quotes and stories. I enjoy writing, and I do feel that my "talent" is being wasted with me only blogging every once in a while. God gave me a passion for writing, and challenging people and I want to use it.
Now, will this book that I am writing ever get finished? Will it get published and become the new "Purpse Driven Life" or "The Shack"? To be honest, probably not, but that's not going to stop me from at least trying. Whether I ever write a book, become a famous actor (which also would be nice), or actually use my BA in Pastoral Ministries isn't exactly the point of however. My goal is to try to live a life of fulfillment. Help those who are around me, spread the love of Jesus (in word and deed), and use the gifts and talents that God has given me. Maybe my life will never be exciting enough for a biography, but that can't stop me from living my life with purpose. God put me on this earth for a reason. And he put you on this earth for a reason too. Let's challenge ourselves this year to live our lives with passion. Live out LOVE, and all the rest of the Fruit of the Spirit. Imagine someone writing your biography. Would the words be uplifiting, and challenging. Would your life story cause others to think "I wish I could live a life like that", or would it cause people to scoff, and laugh and joke "I'm glad my life is more meaningful than that". May this year be a year of fulfillment. May you follow the path that God leads you on, and challenge yourself to make a difference, even in just a small way.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope that this year will be a year of happiness and joy, and more importantly, a year in which you will grow closer to God.

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