Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hitting the Wall

The other day, I was watching the movie Run Fatboy Run and this scene really inspired me to write a blog. The movie is about a man named Dennis, who decides to run the London Marathon to prove his love for his ex-fiance. Early on, he gets badly injured, but instead of giving up, he keeps on going. Battling his inner demons reminding him that he has never finished anything in his life, and real people who bet against him finishing the race, who taunt him and insult him along the way, he keeps putting one foot in front of the other, until at least, he hits the dreaded Wall. In life, we all hit walls. Whether they are physical barriers preventing us from getting that job we want, going on vacation, getting married or whatever...or spiritual barriers that tell us we aren't good enough, pr don't have enough faith. It's inevitable. Life is filled with walls and obstacles. Sometimes, we have people around us who, instead of helping us get past these obstacles, and encouraging us, they instead remind us of our failures. They remind us that we aren't good enough, haven't finished anything, have amounted to jack-squat. It's easy to just stop moving forward, and give up. Hit the wall, and instead of breaking through it, just turn around. How to we overcomes these barriers? How do we break down the walls, jump over the obstacles? Well, as Christians we need to pray and have faith that, whatever God puts in our way is put there for a reason. It's also important to surround ourselves with people that will encourage us. People who have done the marathon before, and know the tricks. Breaking down the walls aren't easy. It can hurt, especially because often we are already in pain and worn out when we reach these walls. It's also important to remember that, once we break down the wall, we don't know what is on the other side. Usually, there are still more miles to run, more obstacles to overcome. Perhaps, we break down the wall, only to find out that we aren't on the path that we wanted in the first place. Or, we thought that once the wall was broken down, we would get what we wanted, only to find out that the wall was the actual destination all along (God works in mysterious ways sometimes). But, what I take from this scene, is...persevere! Never give up. As Justin Bieber reminds us, Never Say Never! (That's right...I Bieber'd this blog). Keep going. When we reach the walls, the obstacles, we need to find a way past them. Don't let our past failures hold us back. Focus on the goal, focus on the race. Stay motivated. It's not easy, and it's not usually fun, but it's worth it. What walls and obstacles are you facing? How are you going to get through, over, under, around it? Bloggers note: While I love the movie Run Fatboy Run, and genuinly think that it is a funny, inspiring movie, I do know that many people are easlily offended with language, sexual content and the like, so I just want to warn you that, if you are planning on watching this movie, be aware that this IS a typical hollywood movie and not the G-rated family friendly Disney, or Christian movie.

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