Sunday, September 25, 2011

My New Quest

Ok, I realize it has been a very long time since my last post, and lots has happend since then. I now have a full time job at a Christian Bookstore here in Abbotsford (and LOVE it!), and we moved to a new place in Abbotsford. Kitchen is smaller than our last place, but overall we really enjoy our new apartment. Anyway, I just finished reading the book "The Know-It All" by A.J. Jacobs, and it was very interesting, funny and inspiring. For those of you who are unfamiliar wth AJ Jacobs and this book, AJ Jacobs is the author of books "The Year of Livin Biblically" and "The Guinea Pig Diaries". In this book, he reads through the entire 2002 edition of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, from A-Z. He writes out his thoughts, and things that he learns. It was a very fascinating book, in which he meets Alex Trebek, tries to get on Jeopardy and other game shows, and struggles with trying to have a baby.
Anyway, this book challenged me. I don't own an Encyclopaedia set, but I wanted to do something that was worthwhile. Being a Christian, I thought, what better thing to do than to read the Bible through (in Chronological order) from cover to cover. Now, I know what you are probably thinking..."umm, haven't read the whole bible before?" Well, the honest answer is no. Ok...maybe I did throughout by time at Bethany, but that was different. It was sporadic reading for different classes, and lets be involved a lot of skimming. So I am going to go through the Bible, in the order it was written (at least according to a website telling me the order in which it was written), and I will take notes. I will write out things that stick out to me, things that I may have overlooked in my skimming days. I will write out questions that certain books, verses and chapters raise. I will even write out frustrations that arise...frustrations at God,people, stories, whatever. I will do my best to update a blog about it (I may or may not start a new blog..but I may just use this one), but even if I don't blog, I will try to read every day. I know, it's something that I should have been doing a long time ago. I should already be reading every day, but unfortunately I am not. I am surrounded by Christians stuff every day at work, and I get very cynical towards things. I read a lot of other people telling me what to believe about the Bible, but I have avoided actually coming to my own conclusions in a very long time. I go. Please, pray for me, join me, think of me, encourage me, whatever. I'm not doing this to say "look at me"...I'm not trying to just draw attention to myself, I am doing this because I want to. I want to go deeper into Scripture. I want to draw closer to God. I want to share my thoughts because hopefully it can encourage you. God Bless everyone...and I really will try to blog more often now!


Terry said...

Worthwhile endeavour. I have read it through cover to cover about three times. I tried chronological once but necerer finished that. Currently working on listening to it all via audio book.

A suggestion. Paragraphs. They allow your readers to breathe rather than pass out half way through.

Keith said...

Haha...yeah, paragraphs would probaly be good. Thanks for reading, and for the encouragment!