Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why I Want a Pretzel

Well, Once again I begin a new blog entry by apologizing for failing to update my blog for a while, but as you all know, planning a wedding takes up a lot of time. Amazingly the big day is only 2 weeks away. Anyway, I figured I would write a post explaining my choice for using the url "iwantapretzel.blogspot". To be honest, the main reason, and the initial reason that I chose the name was after a Family Guy episode. I know, all of you are now gasping that I would watch such a distasteful show, and I admit there are many things that are bad about it, but it is super funny. Anyway, in one episode Stewie (the crazy 1 year old) chases out of the room yelling, "I want a pretzel too!". But the more I thought about the name, the more I began to imagine a more deep, and spiritual meaning behind it. Another hilarious tv show, Seinfeld, has a great pretzel line; "These pretzels are making me thirsty!". And that is where I want to take this post. being made thirsty. I want to be thirsty for God, thirsty for an intimate relationship with my Saviour. I want to hunger and thirst for Him, and learn more about Him everyday. I never want to be full, never want to be satisfied. My prayer for all of you is to eat all the pretzels you can; spiritual pretzels that is. Get thirsty for God, drink up his blessing, drink up his love. Let him quench you, and you will never thirst again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretzels also come in many shapes and forms, did you know that?