Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Homosexuals and the Church

So today, I did a quick glance through the MB Herald and read some letters to the editor about an article that was posted a few issues ago. I haven't read the original article, so I can't give a full honest opinion about everything, but the article was about homosexuality, and it asked the question, apparantly, about whether our perspective is right. Most people wrote in, hateful, spiteful, and angry (I don't want to comment about the inherant nature of MB's to complain...cause that will get me in trouble with a lot of people, so I'll just move on). Anyway, I don't really remember what everyone said, but it did get me thinking about how I feel about the homosexuality issue, and how I think that the church, as a whole (not just the MB church the worldwide church), has made it a much, MUCH bigger issue than it ought to be.
To be perfectly honest, I think the debate about whether it is genetic, or sinful, or that you are born with a gay gene, or it's due to parenting or whatever is pointless. I think it doesn't matter. Too often Christians feel that it is their duty to call certain things a sin, or certain people as sinners. We take it as our mission to judge and condemn certain people. Tiger Woods, who was once a role model is now doomed to eternal damnation. Bill Clinton is likely the spawn of Satan himself. Of course these are exagerations, but I think you get the point. The problem is, it shouldn't be our concern. We aren't supposed to be the judge. That's God's job. So going back to the homosexual issue, Christians have gone on a rampage protesting gay marriage, picketing the PRIDE parades and festivals, and most unfortunately, judging homosexuals out of the church. The very place that they should feel accepted and loved for who they are, they feel like scum. They feel judged and condemned. We quote Scripture and say that the Bible condemns homosexuality...but the Bible also condemnes calling our brothers (and sisters) names, disobeying parents, God HATES divorce, adultery, idolatry. And yet all of these things are not only in the church, they seem to be accepted. No one kicks out someone who tells a lie, or a child who disobeys their parents. Divorce, perhaps they may get the cold shoulder...unless they are a vital part of the church, in which case it is tossed aside and forgotten. Same goes for adultery, greed, lust. We have the worst double standard ever. We are, in a sense, saying that everything is permissible, and forgivable...except homosexuality.
Now, I do think that homosexuality is a sin. It's my opinion, and I could very well be wrong with it, but I think regardless, homosexuals need to be treated with love and respect from the Christian community. We may not agree with their lifestyle choice, or the fact that they want to be married, but they are still children of God. God loves them...He CREATED them. If homosexuality is in fact a sin, it is certainly not worse than any other sin. It's too bad that we have this heirarchy of sins, a list that progresses from "not too bad" to "AWFUL". In God's eyes, it's all the same. Sin is sin. Why do we think we are so much above the law that we can choose what is acceptable and what is not.
We don't have to agree with the lifestyle, we don't have to agree with everything about anyone...but we do have to show love. We have to show acceptance. We need to be willing to cast judgment aside, and just build a relationship. Build a friendship. Look at the life of Jesus. He hung out with tax collectors, prostitutes, drunkards, sinners. There are cases in which we seemed to "preach" to them, but there are many times he was just their friend, being with them and accepting them for who they are. Instead of focusing so much on the lifestyle, let's focus on the person. See them as the loved, respected, and beautiful person that they are. Let God deal with the rest. Let God do the judging.
That's just my thoughts on this issue. I realize it's a very touchy thing, but it's what I think. Feel free to disagree with me, if you so desire.


Nate Brandes said...

Where I agree with the thesis of your argument-Christians often have a double standard and respond to the homosexuality issue very poorly (I wrote a paper on this during my time at Bethany)-I disagree with one of the points you made. I strongly believe that the origin of homosexuality in the individual is very important. Just as with many issues, discovering it's origin can be the starting point or the key to helping a person overcome said issue. Although I am not inclined to debate the semantics or details of creation or the nature vs. nurture debate, I will say that the implications of homosexual tendencies resulting from a genetic or created origin are unacceptable based on biblical standards for sin. As creation or genetic origins would place the direct action of God into the creation of sin in both the world and individuals. This is directly contrary to what we know of God and his character. With that said, I do not believe the debate of such issues-nurture vs. nature-should consume our obsessions and studies as they do not adequately work to demonstrate love and compassion to individuals as Christ has called us to do in all cases.

Good thoughts Keith. As always you have a keen eye for the practical, day-to-day Christian attitudes we ought to emulate.

Keith said...

I hear what your saying, and I do agree that it does matter. All I'm trying to say is that, we often focus so much on the sin, or on the debate, and we miss out on an amazing opportunity to show love, where love is desperately needed.

Nate Brandes said...

I agree completely.