Sunday, November 7, 2010

Let the Idiots be Silenced

There seems to be a growing epidemic amongst Christians...we seem to have become stupid. Ok, perhaps not stupid, but we seem to have lost our ability to properly discuss our faith and beliefs. Now, I could generalize this and say it is predominatly a certain denomination, or gender, or particular country of origin...but I will not do that, as it seems to target everyone.
Now, in the Bible we are told to always have an answer ready...but it seems that many Christians interpret that as "give an answer for everything...whether you know the answer or not". We read that we are to have an answer ready, and see it as we can't say "I don't know" if not knowing the answer is a sin. Let me tell you's OK to not know the answer. It's ok to say "pass", or "That's a good question, I'll have to look it up for you", or simply "I don't Know". What is happening instead, is that Christians are making themselves, and therefore other Christians, look stupid, unintelligent and crazy.
Here are a few very unintelligent Christian responses that I found on Christian chat rooms and forums. Buckle's a sad scary ride.
"Evolution can't have happened because we aren't born monkeys"
"It's funny how non-creationsits will blame a God they don't believe in, but they won't let evolution take the blame for amputees not being able to heal"
"For those who think the bible has 'fiction' it it...what parts"
"Would you rather have a not smart Christian running the country, or a smart Atheist. I'd rather have a not smart Christian."
"Light can't be '11 million light years away'...if it were, I wouldn't be able to see it. I'm 20, not 11 million years old"
"Man is made in the image of God the Father. That s the primary reason why man has a penis" (????
"By not hating gays you are disobeying God and deserve to go to hell"
"The first 5 books aren't [jewish], Moses was a Christian"
"Does planting trees help bring people to Christ? It's like going to a starving country to feed the hungry. It doesn't do them any good to live another day, if they are doomed to Hell anyway"

Ok..I'm going to stop now because it is just getting sad and ridiculous. I know that most Christians aren't at that level of stupidity and intolerance...but as I drive down the road and see church signs like "Experts built the Titanic and amateurs built the Ark", I can't help but wonder how non-Christians interpret that. So here is the challenge, and the point of this blog. Do your research...THINK before your speak. Don't just give a comment for no reason, or give an answer you haven't fully thought about. Want to know why people are atheists, or have a negative view on Christians? It's because Christians tend to be more vocal about their beliefs (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), and they say things that are offensive, stupid, and even unbiblical. If Christians actually acted intelligent, and researched, thought about and prepared their answers...then maybe we'd get more respect. It's too bad that while there are many, MANY smart, intelligent Christians out there who do a lot to further the kingdom of God, there a many stupid Christians who open their mouths and ruin all the good that other Christians are doing. As the chidlish phrase states, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all"...this applies to stupid, unintelligent, poorly thought out responses and questions too.

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