Friday, March 11, 2011

Finding God Without Looking

"Seek and ye shall find". I believe that statement is true. If you go looking for God, you will find him. However, sometimes I find that, when we deliberately search for God, we 'create' God. What I mean is, we try to find God in everything so we put him in everything, even in places where he isn't. Does that make sense? Maybe not. Anyway, the point is, I often find myself finding God, or God's truth in things that I'm not even trying to find it in. Many times, I find it in things that I think it shouldn't be in. For example, I enjoy watching the Comedy Network. Shows like Big Bang Theory, and Just For Laughs and that kind of stuff. Every now and then, I will be watching a comedian, and something will hit me. I'll go from laughing to thinking about How Great God is, or How badly us Christians are messing up, or things like that. For example, I was watching this one comedian names Hari Kondabolu. He is a hindu-atheist comedian so he doesn't delibrately try to bring glory to God (or in his case...gods). But as I was watching him make fun of this woman who tried to witness to him, I thought "YES! He's right. We SUCK at evangelism!". I started thinking about how Christians just try to bring everyone to Jesus, without first getting to know them or caring for their needs. I then went on youtube to find some other stuff of is, and found 2 great clips (that I posted onto check them out). While these clips aren't meant to be spiritual in nature (on of them ends up saying that there is no God, and the other one is about movies), I couldn't help but think that God was speaking to me in some indirect way.
Have you ever heard the saying that, as soon as you stop looking for something, you find it? I think the same can be said about God sometimes. I find that, the times that I'm not looking for God, are the times that God actually speaks to me the strongest. Probably because I'm not expecting it. I'm just trying to be entertained, or get somewhere, or talk with someone, or work or whatever and then BAM! God shows up and speaks. Maybe we need to stop deliberealy looking for God so much, and just go out living. Yes, there are times where we need to search for God, but if we do it so much then we will just trivialize the significance of truly Finding God.
Perhaps none of this makes sense..I am just rambling. Just thought I would give this thought, as I haven't blogged in a while. Give me some feedback? Have you ever found God without even looking?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post reminds me of Philip Yancey's book, Finding God in Unexpected Places.
Mom T