Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is LOVE WINS a winner?

Well, I just finished the book Love Wins by Rob Bell. To be honest, I expected more. Not more in terms of insightful content, but more in terms of controversial, 'heretical' content...because really, it seems EVERYONE was saying that this book was an abomination and a message from Satan. Ok, perhaps they didnt say anything that strongly, but it seems that there were a lot of people who thought Rob Bell has abandoned the faith and is leading people into the depths of hell. So, I expected the content of the book to be something along the lines of "there is no such thing as hell, and everyone regardless of the choices they make will make it to heaven when they die". Alas, that was not what the book was about at all. is my review of the book "Love Wins" The first chapter is Rob Bell asking a lot of questions, and to be honest, it was probably my favourite chapter of the book. I like questions. I like questions and discussion a lot, and this chapter asked a lot of the questions that I have asked (at least in my head) many times over the last little while. He doesn't answer the questions in the chapter (and it could be argued that he doesn't really answer them later on in the book either), but he starts the book off right, getting your brain working and thinking about what you believe. Now, if you take what Rob Bell says about heaven and hell (which many people have), it could be argued that Bell is a universalist. And I guess, in a sense he is, but its a mild version. Bell still believes in hell, however he views hell as more of a place for God to teach lessons, and "refine" us. In the end, once everyone has learned their lessons, and recognize God as the true savior, then they will enter into heaven. So, yes...everyone, according to Bell, will eventually arrive in heaven, but it still requires a choice and it is still only through Jesus. What I loved most about the book (other than the first chapter), was how Bell focuses on HERE and NOW. I have blogged before about how we need to focus more on the now and not as much on the 'later', and Bell takes that same approach in the book. He argues that Jesus' messages about heaven and hell are actually more about heaven and hell on earth, and not as much about the life after death. Bell says that we need to do our best to create an earthly shalom, and work towards the Kingdom of heaven, here on earth. Whether you agree with Bell or not, doesn't take away from the fact that the book has a lot of really good things to say. One of the best things Bell says is (paraphrased), "having a different view on heaven or hell doesn't mean you aren;t a Christian". In other words, just because he believe one way, doesn't mean that he is not a Christian, and also just because some disagree with his opinions don't make them any less of a Christian either. I can honestly say, Bell is DEFINITELY a Christian. He says over and over again that it is only through Jesus that we are saved, and that the life we live here and now, and the choices we make while we are alive really do matter. It seems that, people find what he says heretical because 1) they haven't ACTUALLY read the book...they probably skimmed the book, or took things out of context, or just read other peoples reviews, or 2) because it is so different than what they believe that they can't accept that they may be wrong. Christians don't like to think that they might be wrong or its easier to just call someone a heretic than actually thinking about what they are saying. I don't know if I agree with everything Bell said (I say I don't know because I need to really think about what was read, and probably re-read the book to make sure I didn't miss anything), and I can't honestly say that all of his Greek translations are correct (I will give him the benefit of the doubt), but regardless, this book truly makes us think about what we believe and that is GREAT. Kudos to Bell for not being afraid to stir the pot. For not shying away from the questions that many people are too scared to ask. I highly recommend for everyone, before you pass judgement on the book, before you judge Bell and call him a universalist or a heretic or whatever, READ THE BOOK. It's ok to not agree with it. I don't think Bell expects everyone to agree with him. He just wants people to think, ask questions and come up with their own conclusions. The bottom line is, no one really knows what heaven and hell are truly like. No one can say with 100% certainty that "heaven will be like this, and hell will be like that". Bell doesn't push his beliefs on the reader, he just says what he believes, and why he believes it. He doesn't make you feel like a loser for not agreeing with him, which is more than can be said for many of the critics of Bell. I enjoyed the book, it got me thinking, and got me asking questions. To me, that is all I can ask of a theological book. My final score of Love Wins is 9/10. What did you think of the book (if you've read it)? or do you plan on reading it if you haven't? oh...and to answer the question of the title..YES, Love Wins is a winner!


Amanda said...

I can't really review the book, because I have not read it. I do not know if I will read it, I have yet to decide. But I have a few thoughts on what you said, and the interviews I have heard Rob give.
If his view is true, that people who don't accept Christ on earth go to what is basically a "temporary" Hell, then what is the point of any of us following the Bible if in the end we end up in Heaven anyways? I mean, if we can do what we want, and STILL end up in Heaven, wouldn't more of us be doing it? Yes, the Christian life can be fulfilling, but there's no way around it, it's flippin' hard. Just a thought.
Also, I've read interviews given by Rob Bell, and frankly, I think he does a lot of talking, but doesn't answer anyone's questions of him. He talks in circles, and just confuses the listener.
I love Rob's Nooma videos, but I am disappointed in the more recent stuff I've heard from him. That's not to say his book is bad, or that people shouldn't read it...I just think for me, he's not someone I want to take teaching from.
That also being said, I do think people have treated him rather unfairly, and that people who claim to be Christians are setting a bad example on how they treat him.

Keith said...

Thanks for your thoughts Amanda. I do suggest you read the book, as it will clarify some issues you have. It probably won't change your mind on stuff, but then you can at least know what Bell believes and then decide from there.