Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trans Siberian Orchestra

So, a few days ago, Kristi and I, along with some friends were able to go see the Trans Siberian Orchestra. It was an INCREDIBLE show. Seriously...the most amazing musicl and Pyrotechnic experience of my life. Anyway, in the middle of the show, a guy that looked homeless came out and sang. Of course, he wasn't actually homeless, he was just an actor, but he sang amazingly (although some drunks thought he sang a bit too long and started taunting him...but other than that it was really sweet). So...the point is, we all judged him before he began singing. In fact, as we were heading in to to the arena, he was standing outside, acting homeless. Everyone avoided him. He was a bum, he wasn't worth the time of day. But then he came on stage and sang, and it was amazing. We all had judged him, and thought he was someone other than who he really was. Sadly, we all do this all the time. We all judge people, based on their religion, their age, their appearance, their gender, where they are from, what they enjoy doing, how they smell, what they are wearing...whatever it may be. This needs to stop. we must accept people, and stop with the judging and the assumptions. God calls us to love, not discriminate. And who knows, just like the homeless guy turned out to be part of the Trans Siberian Orchestra, the person that you are judging may turn out to be someone whom you would least expect...maybe even an angel!

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