Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Start In BC

Well, it's been a long while since I last blogged, so I figured I should probably write another one. If you did not know, I have (correction, WE have) moved to Abbotsford BC in order for me to finish my BA in Pastoral at Bethany College. I am interning at Level Ground Mennonite Church in the Youth program there. It has been a great opportunity so far, and lot's of fun. The youth have been great, the youth pastor has been awesome (and is now a new father so that's super great), and the church has been amazing.
I have thouroughly enjoyed my job at the church so far, although it is not without some difficulties. Of course, when I say difficulties I don't mean "problems", I just mean small little blips along the way. Well, there has been only about one small blip. It happened on Monday, the day before, Robin (my superior Youth Pastor) became a father so I was at the church alone. No one else knew I was there, so they turned on the alarm. I walked into the hall, and off it went. Luckily, the alarm is not conected to a system, so cops didn't show up, but BOY was it loud. It scared the beejibees out of me. Other than that moment everything has been great.
The first few weeks here, Kristi and I were dealing with her being unemployed. We prayed a lot, and tried to be as positive as possible. On Wednesday, Kristi got a call from UFV (University of Fraser Valley), which said she had a job in the Cafeteria there, which is awesome. It's 5 days a week, with the hours of 6-2..which means she will need to get up early, but is able to have an evening and afternoon which is awesome. It also means that she will be able to help out at Youth events which is GREAT.
Anyway, that is a very brief synopsis of what has happened in the past few weeks. Our time here has been great, and I can't wait to see what God is going to do.

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